Redress is granted.
The Protest Committee considered all the options to find the fairest arrangement for all competitors in this fleet and in the regatta
Option 1 was felt to be unfair to the boats that successfully finished
Option 2 was thought to be feasible but not ideal for the boat that started and already scored TLE
Option 3 was thought to overly penalise the late starters with a large DNS score
Our decision was that Option 4 was the most fair arrangement
Therefore all boats that finished are scored as they finished. Boast scored TLE are scored TLE; Madeline, Two’s Company, Truffle, Bumble Bee 2 and Escapade are to be scored as 6 points. Ie one more than the score of TLE for three finishers.
We considered whether other fleets were also adversely affected by these conditions, and received no evidence that this was the case.