Campionato Italiano Classi Olimpiche 2023

Official Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

Classe Kiteboarding
Tutte le prove sono annullate non si correrà alcuna ulteriore prova.
No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
12. Protest 3 49er - ITA 311 - Timoniere
Heard With: 14
11. Protest and Request for Redress 5 Kiteboarding - ITA 113 - Timoniere Kiteboarding - ITA 80 - Timoniere
Rules: RRS 11, 14, 62.1(b), F4.44.1(b)
  1. Protest is upheld. Since ITA 80 took an applicable penalty, she is not further penalized under RRS 64.2(a).
  2. Redress is given to ITA 113. ITA 113 is to be scored in races 5 and 6 points equal to the average, rounded to the nearest tenth of a point (0.05 to be rounded upward), of her points in all races sailed before the last scheduled day of the regatta if racing is later scheduled on that day, except races 5 and 6.

10. Request to Reopen 2 Ilca 6 - M - ITA 222306 - Timoniere Ilca 6 M - M - ITA 221709 - Timoniere
Rules: RRS 66.1
Hearing number 5 will not be reopened.

09. Protest 2 Ilca 6 M - ITA 221709 - Timoniere Ilca 6 M - ITA 222306 - Timoniere
Request Invalid
Rules: RRS 61.3, 63.5
The protest is invalid. The hearing is closed under RRS 63.5 
08. Protest 2 Ilca 6 M - ITA 221622 - Timoniere Ilca 6 M - ITA 222530 - Timoniere
Request Invalid
Rules: RRS 61.3, 63.5
The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

07. Protest 2 Ilca 6 M - ITA 221709 - Timoniere
Rules: RRS 61.2, 61.3 63.5
The protest is invalid. The hearing is closed under 63.5
06. Request for Redress 3 Ilca 7 - 218690 . - , - .
Request Invalid
Rules: RRS 62.2, 63.5
The Request for redress is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

05. Protest 2 ilca 6 - maschile - 221709 ilca 6 - maschile - 222306
Rules: 10, 14 and 44.1
ITA 222306 is DSQ in race 2.

04. Protest 3 Ilca 6 - M - ITA 222306 - Timoniere Ilca 6 M - M - ITA 219871 - Timoniere
Rules: RRS 31
ITA 219871 è DSQ nella prova n°3
03. Protest by PC 2 Protest Committee 470 M - ITA 4421 - Timoniere
Rules: RRS 63.1
Protest withdrawn
02. Protest by PC 1 Protest Committee 470 Misto - ITA 16 - Timoniere
Rules: RRS 63.1
Protest withdrawn

01. Protest 4 49er FX - ITA 72 - Timoniere 49er - ITA 767 - Timoniere
Rules: RRS 63.1
Protest withdrawn