14 |
2024-05-04 |
B |
1 |
Ilca 6 - Yellow - 218579 - Remy Tupits |
in front of 8837 and behind 5328 |
2024-05-05 08:49 |
13 |
2024-05-04 |
α |
3 blu |
ILCA 4 - blu - ITA 220284 - Alessandro Massironi |
cinquantaduesimo della flotta gialla |
13 |
2024-05-04 23:36 |
12 |
2024-05-04 |
innet |
3 |
ILCA 4 - ITA 213014 - Christian Radessich |
6 |
dopo 7890 e prima di 7717 |
2024-05-04 22:06 |
11 |
2024-05-04 |
first reach/last course before finish |
3 |
ilca 4 - ilca 4 - 214696 - - - lars keller |
4 |
3 |
2024-05-04 22:12 |
10 |
2024-05-04 |
A |
2 |
ILCA 4 - ITA 224701 - Nicolò Utzeri |
Dnf |
davanti 2029 e dopo 0427 |
2024-05-04 19:44 |
09 |
2024-05-04 |
Day 3 ILCA 4 |
Blue R3 |
ILCA 4 - FRA 218997 - Capucine Eugenie Deltel |
front of 4077 and behind 1112 |
2024-05-04 20:01 |
08 |
2024-05-04 |
Outer |
2 |
ILCA 6 - ITA 221999 - Lorenzo Gabrieli |
Bfd |
2024-05-05 08:53 |
07 |
2024-05-04 |
Alpha |
3 |
ILCA4 - Blu - 218997 - Capucine Deltel |
0 |
2024-05-04 19:50 |
06 |
2024-05-04 |
Interno |
3 |
ILCA 4 - Blue - ITA 210028 - Matteo Silvestro |
Dnf |
Dopo 0880 |
2024-05-04 19:34 |
05 |
2024-05-04 |
arrivo |
3 |
ILCA 4 - red - ITA 221986 - Devoti Sailing - Lorenzo Ghirotti |
2 |
1 |
2024-05-04 19:35 |
04 |
2024-05-04 |
arrivo |
3 |
ILCA 4 - ITA 217890 - Andrea Vitolo |
5 |
4 |
2024-05-04 19:48 |
03 |
2024-05-04 |
α |
3 |
ILCA 4 - blue - ITA 220284 - Alessandro Massironi |
dnf |
dopo 2029 e prima di 2303 |
2024-05-04 19:45 |
02 |
2024-05-04 |
Yellow flet ilca 4 |
2 |
ILCA 4 - Laser - ITA 218755 - Tommaso Revenoldi |
Dnf |
7 |
2024-05-04 18:20 |
01 |
2024-05-03 |
A |
1 |
Ilca7 - ITA 218910 - Luca Valentino |
Dnf |
21 |
2024-05-04 07:48 |