Mayan Wind Fest 2025

Official Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
09. Protest 8 ILCA 6 - MASCULINO - MEX 13 ILCA 6 - MASCULINO - MEX 2
Rules: 60.3, 60.4(a)(1)
Protest is Invalid, hearing closed
08. Protest 6 ILCA 6 - MASCULINO - MEX 216210 ILCA 6 - FEMENINO - MEX 199396
07. Request for Redress 4 Optimist - Avanzados - Mex 1136 Protest Committee
Rules: 42, P1.2, P2.1, 44.2
Redress Granted, MEX 1136 is to be scored in her finishing position for race #4
06. Protest 4 optimist - Avanzados - 1265 Optimist - Avanzado - 1218
Rules: 10, World Sailing Case 50
1218 is DSQ from race #4
05. Protest and Request for Redress 1 Iqfoil - Woman - ARU15 - Zara Rozeboom Race Committee
Rules: Definition Start, 61.2(b), World Sailing Case 136
Redress not granted
04. Protest 3 ILCA 6 - MASCULINO - MEX 13 - Japi Tu ILCA 6 - FEMENINO - PUR 222088
Rules: 13, 15
Protest dismissed
03. Request for Redress 3 Formula Kite - Masculino - 111
Protest Withdrawn
02. Request for Redress 1 ILCA 7 - GUA 220600 Race Committee
Rules: 61.4(b)(1)
Redress not granted
01. Protest 1 ILCA 7 - MEX 194613 ILCA 7 - MEX 154283
Rules: 20.2(b)+(c), Introduction Hail,
154283 is DSQ in race #1