Italia Cup ILCA - Olbia

Official Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
08. Protest // ILCA4 - U16 - 226919 - ITA ILCA7 - OPEN - 220543 - ITA
Decision Complete
07. Protest 1 ILCA4 - U16 - 224919 - ITA ILCA4 - U18 - 223257 - ITA
Heard With Protest(s): 06
Rules: RRS10, RRS T4(b)
ITA 223257 è DSQ nella prova n°1
06. Protest 1 ILCA4 - U16 - 224919 - ITA ILCA4 - U18 - 223257 - ITA
Heard With: 07
05. Request for Redress 3 ILCA7 - OPEN - 191713 - ITA
Rules: RRS 60.3(a), RRS 63.1(b)
Protesta Invalida 
04. Protest 3 Ilca 7 - 220543 Support Person - Allenatore yacht club adriaco
Decision Complete
03. Request for Redress 2 ILCA7 - U21 - 218939 - ITA Race Committee
Rules: 30.3; 61.4(b)(1)
Riparazione non concessa

02. Request for Redress 1-2 ILCA7 - OPEN - 217834 - ITA Protest Committee
Heard With: 01
01. Richiesta di risarcimento danni imbarcazione 1 ILCA 7 - ITA217834 Organizational Authority
Heard With Protest(s): 01, 02
Rules: RRS 61.4(b)(1)
Riparazione non concessa
01. Request for Redress
    Heard With: 01