2023 Optimist National Championship

Official Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
14. Protest 12 Optimist Open - NZL 4784 Optimist Open - NZL 4744
The protest was invalid because NZL 4784 did not advise the finish boat of the intention to protest.
13. Request to Reopen 10 Optimist Open - NZL 4801 Protest Committee
The request for redress (Case 10) is reopened as significant new evidence became available in a reasonable time.
12. Protest by PC and Support Person 9 Protest Committee Support Person - Jenna Menzies
Rules: 63.3(b), SI C4
During racing on Monday 10th April any vessel that Jenna Menzies is onboard is restricted as follows.
The vessel shall remain anchored and stationary at least 100 meters directly to leeward of the Race Committee Signal Vessel from the time of the first warning signal until the end of racing on the day or until released by the Protest Committee.
11. Protest by PC 9 Protest Committee Support Person - Tom Strack
During racing on Monday 10th April any vessel that Tom Strack is onboard is restricted as follows.
The vessel shall remain anchored and stationary at least 100 meters directly to leeward of the Race Committee Signal Vessel from the time of the first warning signal until the end of racing on the day or until released by the Protest Committee.
10. Request for Redress 10 Optimist Open - NZL 4801 Protest Committee
Rules: SI 15, Definition of Finish, Definition of Racing, RRS31
Redress is given.
4801 shall be reinstated in the position that she first crossed the finish line, therefore scored 1st place in race F4, all other boats finishing positions shall be adjusted accordingly

09. Protest by PC 9 Protest Committee Support Person - Tom Strack (Queen Charlotte Yacht Club)
08. Protest by RC 6 Race Committee Optimist Open - NZL 4711
Rules: Appendix T1, RRS 63.1
NZL 4711 took a post-race penalty.
The race committee was allowed to withdraw the protest.
07. Protest 6 Optimist Open - NZL 4560 Optimist Open - NZL 4754
Heard With Protest(s): 06
Rules: RRS 11, 14
NZL 4754 after tacking and before reaching close did not keep clear of a boat on a tack and is disqualified in race 6.
06. Protest 6 Optimist Open - NZL 4754 Optimist Open - NZL 4560
Heard With: 07
05. Request for Redress 1 Optimist Open - NZL 4560 Race Committee
Rules: Rules: SI 19.1, RRS 62.1(a)
There was no improper action or omission of the race committee, so redress is not given
04. Request for Redress 1 Optimist Open - Blue - NZL 4628 Race Committee
Rules: SI 19.1, RRS 62.1(a)
  • There was no improper action or omission of the race committee, so redress is not given.
03. Request for Redress 4 Optimist White - FRA 2807 Race Committee
Rules: RRS 63.1
FRA2807 was allowed to withdraw the protest.
02. Protest 3 Optimist Open - NZL 4578 Optimist Open - NZL 4232
Rules: RRS 61.2, 63.5
The protest did not describe an incident and is invalid.
01. Protest by PC and Support Person 1 Protest Committee Support Person - Laurence Fauchelle
Rules: RRS 64.5(a) (1)
Laurence Fauchelle (Wakatere Support Person) is warned that any further breach of a sailing instruction will result in a penalty.