International Topper Class World Championships 2023

Official Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
09. Protest 3 5.3 - Gold - 408 5.3 - Gold - 715
Rules: 408 broke rule 10 and 14 but took an applicable penalty by retiring Rule 62.1
Protest Dismissed – no redress granted
08. Protest Race 1 of finals 5.3 - Gold - 455/48033 - N/A 5.3 - Gold - 574 - N/A
Protest Dismissed.
07. Protest 2 Topper - Gold - 574 Topper - Gold - 685
No rules broken -  protest dismissed. 
06. Request for Redress 4 & 5 5.3 - 890
Rules: 62.1
890 is granted redress. She is to be promoted into the Silver fleet in the Final Series.
05. Protest 4 Topper 5.3 - 5.3 - 246 Topper - 5.3 - 880
Rules: RRS 10 & 14.
880 is DSQ in Race 4
04. Protest
    6 4.2 - 827 4.2 - 802
    802 accepts 30% post race penalty in Race 6
    03. Request for Redress
      2 5.3 - 432 Race Committee
      Rules: 62.1
      Redress denied.
      02. Protest
        5.3 - 246 5.3 - 026
        5.3 - 730
        Protest invalid. Protest not notified to committee at finish line as required by SI 18.1.
        01. Protest
          1 4.2 - 831 4.2 - 728
          728 acknowledges breaking a rule of Part 2 and accepts a 30% Scoring Penalty
          Jury accepted that 831 withdrew the protest - RRS 63,1