RS21 Act 3

Official Notice Board

Penalty reports

No. Date Race Leg Boat Boats Fouled Penalty Taken Actions
04 2024-06-09 5 Beat - After the start with touch ita 190 from a windward position with ita 190 leeward of us and overlapped. Immediately After we,ita 260, took one turn of 360 to penalize ourself! Rs21 - Ita260 - Kindako Ita 190
One Turn
03 2024-06-07 1 Beat Rs21 - 337 Caipirinha
One Turn
02 2024-06-07 3 Beat Rs21 - 1 - 327 - Brontolo Rs21 - 1 - 118
One Turn
01 2024-06-07 3 Beat Rs21 - 1 - 327 - Brontolo Rs21 - 1 - 118
One Turn