4th Chief of Air Staff International Sailing Championship 2024

Online Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
21. Protest 10 Optimist - PAK 1896 Optimist - 22
Rules: RRS 63.1
PAK 1896 requested to withdraw her protest. The jury allows the protest to be withdrawn.
20. Protest 10 Optimist - 15 Optimist - PAK 1896
Request Invalid
Rules: SI 1.4, 18.1
Hearing request is invalid as PAK 15 failed to inform the race committee of her intention to protest.
19. Protest 7 RS:X - PAK 3 RS:X - PAK 92
Heard With: 10
18. Protest 9 RS:X - PAK 3 RS:X - PAK 92
Heard With: 15
17. Protest and Request for Redress 7 ILCA 7 - PAK 13 ILCA 7 - PAK 417
Rules: RRS11, RRS14, RRS 62.1.
 PAK 417 is disqualified (DSQ) and redress is not given to PAK 13.
16. Protest 7 Optimist - PAK 1693 Optimist - KAZ 25
Request Invalid
Rules: SI1.4, SI18.2
Protest invalid for 1693's failure to inform the race committee boat at the finishing line of her intention to protest.
15. Protest 9 RS:X - PAK 92 RS:X - PAK 3
Heard With Protest(s): 18
Rules: RRS 11, 14, 16.1, 43.1(b), B2.22.1
PAK 92 is disqualified (DSQ) for changing course without giving PAK 3 room to keep clear.
14. Protest 8 RS:X - PAK 92 RS:X - PAK 3
Request Invalid
Protest invalid as the hearing request was submitted after the time limit with no good reason.
13. Protest 7 ILCA 7 - PAK 417 ILCA 7 - UAE 180000
PAK 417 requested to withdraw her protest. The jury allows the protest to be withdrawn.
12. Protest 9 Optimist - 20 Optimist - 22
Rules: 10 13
20 requested to withdraw her protest. The jury allows the protest to be withdrawn.
11. Protest by PC 7 Protest Committee ILCA 4 - 240928
Rules: Rule 41
Boat incorrectly scored as finished.  Scoring to be corrected to RET.
10. Protest 7 RS:X - PAK 92 RS:X - PAK 3
Heard With Protest(s): 19
Rules: RRS 1.1, 10, 14, B4.44.1, 62.1, 64.2(a), WS Case 20
PAK 3 not further penalised. PAK 92 is disqualified (DSQ) for failing to give help to a person in danger.
09. Protest 6 Optimist - 20 Optimist - 475
Request Invalid
Rules: RRS 1.4, 18.1
Protest invalid for failure to inform the race committee of her intention to protest.
08. Protest 6 Optimist - 1096 Optimist - 583
Request Invalid
Rules: SI 1.4, 18.1
Protest invalid for failure to inform the race committee of her intention to protest.
07. Protest 5 Optimist - 1096 Optimist - THA 1289
Rules: RRS 10
Protest dismissed.