Q&A 2024-005
Rule: 90.3
Scoring a race when all boats sail the wrong course
Situation 1
The race committee signalled an inside trapezoid course, but all boats sailed an outside trapezoid course.

Question 1
How should the race committee score the race?

Answer 1
The race should not be scored as no boat has sailed the course signalled by the race committee, see rule 90.3(a). In such a case, the race committee should abandon the race.

Question 2
If the race committee were to score the race and there was no hearing request lodged, what would happen?

Answer 2
Scoring a race when no boat has started, sailed the course and finished is an improper action of the race committee. However, if no action is taken against the race committee decision, the published results would stand.

Situation 2
The race committee intended to signal an inside trapezoid course. The race committee signalled an outside trapezoid course. All boats sailed an outside trapezoid course. The race committee thinks it might have displayed the outside trapezoid course by mistake. There was no hearing request lodged.

Question 3
How should the race committee score the race?

Answer 3
The race shall be scored as per Appendix A since all boats sailed the course signalled by the race committee, see rule 90.3(a).

May 18, 2024
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