When a protest has been delivered, a protestee may accept a penalty for the incident prior to a hearing. Ascertain whether the incident resulted in any damage to any boat or injury to a competitor. If there was no damage or injury, the boat may take a penalty by retiring from the race or take any alternative penalty available in the Sailing Instructions. If there was serious damage or injury, the penalty is to retire from the race. Ask the competitor to write on the protest form, the words –
“I accept a penalty in the incident described in this protest, and hereby retire or accept the penalty of ____________(fill in any alternative penalty that might be available)”
A representative of the protested boat would sign the form. A separate form may be used for this declaration. If so, staple it to the protest form. In all cases of acknowledgement, the protest must be presented to the protest committee, perhaps when all other hearings have been completed.
Once that declaration is made, ask the protestor whether he or she wishes to withdraw the protest since, under rule
64.1(b) the protestee has now taken a penalty and could not be subject to any further penalty in that incident if it goes to a hearing. If so, ask the protestor to write on the form, “I wish to withdraw this protest”. The protest committee may then allow the protest to be withdrawn under rule