In order to charge for entry (or anything else) as part of Registration on, you must have a Stripe Account. Your Stripe Account will be connected to the registration and receive payment from registrants directly. You entirely control your Stripe Account. does not have access to it. You can withdraw money, issue refunds or otherwise manage your money directly, with no involvement from is paid a processing fee for registrations received, as indicated on the Registration Settings page.
For testing purposes (or if you won't charge for anything in relation to Registration), you can add an entry fee (see below) with a zero amount. If all the event fees you enter have a zero amount, you don't need to set up a Stripe account and Registration on will work without attempting to charge anything to Stripe.
After setting up your Stripe Account, you will be redirected back to the Registration Dashboard. The status of your Stripe account is displayed here. If there are issues with your stripe account, they will be indicated on your Registration Dashboard.
Once you've set up Stripe properly, you can disconnect Stripe at any time on the Registration Settings page.
Next you'll need to indicate what fields you want to appear on the registration form. The above demonstrates just the Class field selected. You'll be able to list the classes of boats you'll allow to register further down the form.
You can also choose to provide for Divisions, and require the registrant to select one. Or, to allow for handicap racing, you can indicate just the Make & Model of the boat and Handicap Rating.
You must also indicate a start and end date for accepting registrations. The registration form will not be visible to the competitors prior to the start date or after the end date.
You must also indicate who you will allow to register. At the moment, there are only three types: Competitor, Support Person and Support Boat. You can select one or all three.
And finally, if you've indicated that the Class and/or Division shall be collected on the form, you must indicate what Classes and/or Divisions will be allowed by simply typing them into the field. When you hit space or enter, it will save the entry.
Enter the time period you want the fee to be active with a start and end date. Then select whether the fee applies to Competitor, Support Person and/or Support Boat. If you don't indicate it is an optional fee, it will be required in order for a registration to be completed. You can also select to which Classes and/or Divisions the fee may apply.
For testing purposes (or if you won't charge for anything in relation to Registration), you can add an entry fee with a zero amount. If all the event fees you enter have a zero amount, you don't need to set up a Stripe account and Registration on will work without attempting to charge anything to Stripe.
Enter the type, title and content of your waiver. Include an acknowledgement only if you want the registrant to be required to acknowledge the waiver.
You can then Save as Template. You won't see any documents available in Copy from Template until you save your first document as a template. But once you've built a library of templates, you'll be able to Copy from Template to quickly generate your waivers. Copy from Template is destructive in that it will completely replace your current document with a copy of the template. Any edits to the current document will be lost.
When you edit a document that has been copied from a template, you can choose to Update Template, which will copy the changes you made to your document into the template. This is destructive. It will replace your existing template with the changes you made to the current document, so you will completely replace the template with the current document.