Become a Patron has for years provided a free resource for competitors, judges and other race officials. Thousands of people rely on the site for rules, interpretations, regatta management and/or forums. In 2019 we for the first time exceeded one million page views. We currently serve more than half-a-million page views a month.

But we need your help. The cost of the infrastructure is substantial. And the ongoing maintance and enhancements are time consuming (we have a day job!). If you find the site helpful, we are asking that you contribute to its success. A small monthly contribution will ensure the continuation of the great service and the information we've been providing, and allow for development of additional features.

By agreeing to help support you are contributing to the understanding and enhancement of the sport of sailing. Remember, that when you choose to contribute to each month, you’re helping to make a difference. Thank you!


Contributing $14.00 a month will greatly help us offset the cost of running the site and support our ongoing work. Please help by signing up now.

USD $14.00 Per Month*

Patron Annual

By contributing $140.00 a year you're helping create a better understanding of the rules and more resources for race officials. Please help by signing up now.

USD $140.00 Per Year*
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