Forum: 2022 Test Rule 18 - Revision 1 (May 2022)

2022 Test Rule 18 Information - Please Read Before Posting

Angelo Guarino
Forum Moderator
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
Forum Moderation Note:

  1. To make sure contributions are referencing the Test Rule, when we reference the rules in our discussion, let us distinguish between the current rule and Test Rule by using "RRS" and "TR" preceding the rule. 
  2. The entire discussion doesn't have to be in one thread.  That's why we made a sub-category for this .. so we can have individual topics focused on different observations and questions.  I think it would be easier for Dave and his team to follow the issues if each question had it own thread.


2022 Test Rule 18 Information

From: Dave Perry, Chair of the WS Rule 18 Working Party

The World Sailing Rule 18 Working Party is trying to find ways to simplify rule 18 (Mark-Room) without making significant changes to the current game. We have created a test rule 18 for 2022 which is 20% shorter than the current rule, removing much extraneous and complex wording. It contains simplifications such as making mark-room the same for all inside boats whether they have the right-of-way or not and whether the leeward mark is a single mark or a gate mark, creating a clear end point for when rule 18 stops applying, and allowing boats to gybe at the windward or offset marks when their proper course is to gybe.

The Rule 18 WP is inviting sailors and race officials around the world to study the test rule, take the 2022 Test Rule 18 Quiz, and if possible use the test rule in their racing between now and July 15, 2022. 

To take the virtual 2022 Test Rule 18 Quiz, click here

If you are interested in organizing the use of the 2022 Test Rule 18 between now and July 15, 2022, or know of any fleets, clubs or classes which may be interested, email Dave Perry

To access the 2022 Test Rule 18 information online site, click here

On the 2022 Test Rule 18 information online site you will find:

·       The 2022 Test Rule 18 (DR22-01 Rule 18, the preamble to Section C and Mark-Room)

·       A red-lined edition of the current rules showing the changes in the 2022 Test Rule 18

·       The language to put in the NoR for using the test rule

·       The virtual online 2022 Test Rule 18 Quiz

·       The preferred protest committee language for protests involving the test rule

·       Two papers explaining the significant simplifications and game changes in the test rule

·       The recording from my 2022 Test Rule 18 Zoom session on May 18, 2022 (just under an hour)

·       The powerpoint presentation I used for the 2022 Test Rule 18 Zoom session, so others can use it to share with those testing it on the water, etc.

Created: 22-May-23 15:54


Angelo Guarino
Forum Moderator
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
I just added a line in my original posting.  Let us use "TR" and "RRS" prefixes in all our rule references in our discussions to make sure everyone is clear on which version of the rules we are referring.  

Also, the entire discussion regarding the TR doesn't have to be in one thread.  That's why we made a sub-category for this .. so we can have individual topics focused on different observations and questions.

Created: 22-May-25 11:52
Rick Hatch
  • International Judge
  • National Umpire
Pursuant to its prescription to Racing Rule of Sailing (RRS) 86.3, Sail Canada/Voile Canada has approved the use of World Sailing Development Rule DR22-01 Rule 18, the preamble to Section C, and the definition Mark-Room, for sailing events being held in Canada during the period May 15 to July 15, 2022, by those organizing authorities who choose to use it.

Sail Canada's letter approving use of World Sailing Development Rule DR22-01 in Canada, including the text of DR22-01 in English and translated into French, may be found at:

Rick Hatch, IJ/NU (CAN)
chair, Sail Canada Racing Rules Committee

Created: 22-May-25 15:02
Paddy Fitzpatrick
  • Club Judge
Hi Angelo
I just can’t find
The recording from my 2022 Test Rule 18 Zoom session on May 18, 2022 (just under an hour)
Could you please send me the link. 
Created: 22-May-27 01:41
Angelo Guarino
Forum Moderator
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
Paddy, I sent to your email. - Ang
Created: 22-May-30 11:44
John Allan
Nationality: Australia
  • National Race Officer
  • National Judge
Submissions for changes to rule 18 and the Definition of mark-room have now been published here   Definition Mark Room, Preamble to Section C, Rule 18

Proper course has disappeared.

I thought that proper course was the centrepiece of the Test Rule.

Is here a report or assessment of the Test Rule that has been published that may explain why proper course is no longer in the proposal?
Created: 23-Sep-30 00:19
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