If a fast boat A establishes (or breaks) an overlap on a slow boat B without either boat changing course or velocity, then is that an action of boat A sailing fast or an action of boat B for sailing slow?
I'm guessing neither, thus for the purposes of rule 15 then neither boat acquired rights because of the others action and thus both must initially give room in any of the various situations that they gain rights.
My reading of the rule is that if the overtaking boat established the overlap to leeward, she must give windward opportunity to respond.
If the same boat established an overlap to windward from clear astern, I would say that the leeward boat acquired ROW via the action of the other boat overtaking and therefore can luff to protect her wind. The overtaking boat from clear astern.
Of course, there is still the requirement to avoid collision.
Anthony - if the boat originally clear astern establishes an overlap to windward of the boat originally clear ahead, the ROW has not changed and thus rule 15 does not apply.
Rule 16 will always apply regardless of whether rule 15 applies.
Clear ahead was free to come up prior to the overlap and remains so.
While the identity of the ROW boat has not changed in that case, it is a new situation.
I'm trying to think of a situation where the identity of the ROW boat doesn't change, but situation is different and might require a boat to limit the timing of a course change. Every one I can think of would involve a course change by the ROW boat, and there fore rule 16 would put some constraints on the ROW boat.
when overlaps on leeward ?
I key is that the rule is written with a negative exception: when acquiring rights, you must initially give room UNLESS gained rights by the other boats action. So it the example of a boat gaining an overlap from behind, the default situation is that they must initially give room UNLESS there was a specific action of the other boat that caused the overlap. So it is not that a boat acted to gain an overlap, it is that the other boat didn't act to give it.
Match Race Call B18
A few posters here have been on a wild goose chase for meanings of terms that are not in the RRS.
A boat does not 'establish an overlap'. Boats 'become overlapped'. The 'establishes' language was removed from the RRS in the 1995 rewrite to avoid just this sort of argument.
'Overtaking' is not a word used in the RRS.