When Appx J states that the NoR or SI “shall” state or indicate something, is that a requirement?
For instance, Appendix J says the following shall be stated in the NOR and/or SIs:
- J1.3(5) “… State the number of races scheduled and the minimum number that must be completed to constitute a series.“
- J2.1(2)"the schedule of races and the times of warning signals for each class;".
Does “schedule of races” and “number of races scheduled” combine to mean that the NOR or SI must state the maximum number of races? Or, can the NOR and SI simply state that as many races as possible will be run as long as the docs state a “no start after” time?
Without a defined 'finish line' it can be challenging to strategize your overall fleet position.
The number of races scheduled and the number required to be completed to constitute a series shall be stated in the notice of race or sailing instructions.
The Hobie classes in North America have traditionally had an "open-ended" number of races for their major championships. The wording in the SIs typically takes the form of, "The RC intends to run three to four races per day. There is no maximum number of races." To facilitate racing strategy on the last day of racing, the RO will / should announce their specific intention that day, taking into consideration the cut-off time.
On a 5-day championship, I've seen as many as 22 races and as few as 4 (4 days lost to no wind).
I think RRS A1 trumps John C's reasoning about 'if applicable'.
So yes, NOR/SI must state the number of races, or use open ended language as you have shown.
I think Matt's words are ok.
A 'number' need not be a definite number, as long as the NOR/SI refer to a number, as Matt's does.
Well my friend you’ve got me doing my best Scooby Doo confused impression on that one.
A1 says “The number of races scheduled …”.
PS: my scooby doo ref is my touché for your “button-up boots tone” before :-) .. what was the other one … “not betting for sheep farms”?
I don't think we should be looking for a restrictive application here.
In 50+ years of racing in the Hobie classes, there has never been a request for redress based on the number (or lack thereof). (Knock wood - or fiberglass)
When I review NoR/SI’s, I’m a bit of a stickler for suggesting the OA/RC add the simple 4 word sentence .. “This changes rule ###.” Appx A is changeable/replaceable. To me, it’s simple to properly note the change.
To me, the above makes it clear to all (RC and competitors) the bounds under which the regatta will be conducted … in an upfront manner.
PS: I moved this thread to the SI/NOR language category.