Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Rule on blocking when Clear Ahead when racing

Alan Chidsey
Nationality: United States
I understand Rule 12 – On the Same Tack, Not Overlapped
When boats are on the same tack, and not overlapped, a boat clear astern shall keep clear of a boat clear ahead.

But what is the rule on the boat clear ahead altering course to keep a boat clear astern from gaining overlap.

In one race I was heading for the leeward mark, clear ahead, and as another boat which was clear astern, which had greater speed, maneuvered to pass me, I altered course to reposition my stern to basically block him.

He stated that "blocking" was not allowed, so I stopped swerving and he pulled into an overlapped position.

What is the relevant rule(s) that addresses this situation?


Created: 23-Jun-13 14:57


Adrain Law
Nationality: United Kingdom
As long as you give the boat behind room to keep clear you can manoeuvre as you wish.
Created: 23-Jun-13 15:08
Alan Chidsey
Nationality: United States
Adrian, thank you for the reply.
Created: 23-Jun-13 15:13
Philip Hubbell
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • Judge In Training
"...maneuver as you wish" - in the specific situation given.
Other limitations apply in other situations.
Created: 23-Jun-13 15:14
Rob Goddard
Nationality: United Kingdom
You had full rights to sail as you wished until they gained an overlap.
Unless the had just a temporary speed advantage, why would you? if they went to windward that would have slowed you significantly as took wind from you sails, when handicap racing our preferred method was always "faster boats to leeward" unless very close to the zone and it gave them Mark Room
Created: 23-Jun-13 15:31
David Hubbard
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
Except for Section B 'General Limitations' you are free to block them.  In fact, one general tactical guideline is that, if you are ahead, always stay between your competition and the mark!
Some unscrupulous racers have been known to cite non-existent rules on occasion to mess with the heads of other skippers.  Ask them what rule it is! I had a guy insist that port tack boats had rights over me on starboard.  I just called out, 'Nope, Rule 10!'  It pays to know your rules well.  I read the book at the start of every season.  Just to be fresh.

Created: 23-Jun-13 15:43
Bill Gladstone
Nationality: United States
Rule 16: Changing Course is the relevant rule. As long as you give the keep clear boat room to keep clear you may do as you please.
Created: 23-Jun-13 15:45
Niko Kotsatos
  • Judge In Training
I think that once upon a time (starting with the 1997 rules maybe?) There was a requirement that a boat could not sail below her proper course when another boat was within two hull lengths... This never made sense to me, but it might have been to reduce blocking...

Is there any source for old RRS? I never thought I'd have to save my old rule books.
Created: 23-Jun-13 16:06
Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
David re: "Some unscrupulous racers have been known to cite non-existent rules on occasion to mess with the heads of other skippers."

I try to refrain from casting intension and aspersions onto other fellow racers.  More often than not, I have found such "tidbits" as "no blocking" are based on misunderstanding or remnants of rules-gone-by .. rather than scruples.
Created: 23-Jun-13 18:17
William White
Nationality: Canada
  • Club Judge
I think the other boat was attempting to interpret rule 17 re proper course but since there was no overlap and you were windward that does not seem to apply
Created: 23-Jun-13 20:17
Tim Hohmann
Nationality: United States
  • Umpire In Training
  • Regional Judge
I agree with Angelo. I would also add that a) this is where it pays to have rules knowledge yourself; and b) if the other fellow doesn't protest and you don't believe you've broken a rule, feel free to ignore his advice.  
Created: 23-Jun-13 21:00
Tim Hohmann
Nationality: United States
  • Umpire In Training
  • Regional Judge
Is there any source for old RRS? I never thought I'd have to save my old rule books.

I found you can get old editions of Elvstrom online for cheap. Sometimes they still have the plastic boats in them.
Created: 23-Jun-14 20:26
Sue Reilly
Nationality: United States
  • National Umpire
  • Regional Judge
  • Regional Race Officer
Can find online back to 2009-2012 when 17.2 was deleted.  Just search for racing rules of sailing <year range>
Created: 23-Jun-15 16:41
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