Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Case 140

William Grauer
Nationality: United States
New Case - Seems very strange, and also unfair. In the answer to question 3, the PC "will exonerate A for breaking rule ", yet, in answer to question 2 the PC does not exonerate her for breaking rule .

It would seem proper, in question 2, for the PC to use rule (a) to exonerate A. The question of ‘Redress’ is then a moot point and the decision of the PC can be that A is to be scored in her finishing position in the restarted race
Created: 17-Mar-22 15:58


Eric Rimkus
  • National Race Officer
  • National Judge
From the Case, it appears that the logic is that B has compelled A to break the first part of Rule 30.4, but A breaks the last part of Rule 30.4 through her own actions, so 64.1(a) does not apply.  

I agree that the Case could be very unfair to A in a situation where they become a victim of a rule as a result of keeping clear of a boat breaking a rule.
Created: 17-Mar-22 16:42
Matt Bounds
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • National Race Officer
Correct - A breaks 30.4 by starting in the re-sailed race.  There's no remedy for that - it fails the "through no fault of her own" test in 62.1.

Bottom line - if you're black-flagged - for whatever reason - and the race is recalled or abandoned after the start - you do not start in the re-sail of the race.  Period.

Created: 17-Mar-22 17:08
Clark Chapin
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • Club Race Officer
I acknowledge the logic and equity would suggest that A should get some sort of redress, but unless she was damaged by B, she can't make it over the hurdle of 62.1.
Created: 17-Mar-22 17:59
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