Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Rule 40 - Y flag

Christopher Dees
Nationality: United States
What is the penalty for violation of RRS 40? DSQ, Scoring Penalty, nothing? How does one exonerate themselves if possible?
Who can or cannot protest?

When flag Y is displayed with one sound before or with the warning signal, competitors shall wear personal flotation devices, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. When flag Y is displayed ashore, this rule applies at all times while afloat. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices.

Created: 18-Aug-06 18:00


Loic Durand Raucher
Nationality: France
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Rule 40 is a rule.
Rule 60.1 says: a boat may protest another boat ...
Rule 60.2 says: a race committee may protest a boat ....
Rule 60.3 says: a protest committee may protest a boat ...
Rule 60.4 says: a technical committee may protest a boat .... However, it shall protest a boat if it decides taht a boat has broken a rule of part 4 (rule 40 is in part 4)

Rule 64.1 says: When the protest committee decides taht a boat that is a party to a protest hearing has broken a rule and is not exonerated, it sh
Created: 18-Aug-06 18:35
Loic Durand Raucher
Nationality: France
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Rule 64.1 says: When the protest committee decides that a boat that is a party to a protest hearing has broken a rule and is not exonerated, it shall disqualify her unless some other penalty applies.

It often happens that the SI state: for a breach of a rule other than part 2 and RRS 31, the penalty may be less than DSQ, if the protest committee so decides.
It will then be a DPI
Created: 18-Aug-06 18:39
John Christman
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Some quick answers:
Per RRS 64.1, the penalty is DSQ unless another penalty applies as described in NOR/SIs/Class rules etc.
You can't unbreak the rule, but you can stop breaking it, so you can't exonerate yourself.
Per RRS 60, a boat, RC, PC, and TC can all protest. It looks like the TC is actually required to protest.
Created: 18-Aug-06 18:39
Baptiste Verniest
  • National Umpire
  • Regional Race Officer
  • International Judge
Hi Chris, I agree with the above:
- boats, RC, TC, PC can protest a boat under rule 40
- penalty is DSQ unless SIs (or another document) states that the PC may give less. But no obligation
- exonerations are only in rules 14, 21 and 64. So the only way I see to exonerate a boat is that she was compelled to break rule 40 - AHEM. As to taking a penalty as per rule 44, it is an option only available to breaches of the rules of Part 2 and rule 31, hence not applicable here
Created: 18-Aug-06 20:20
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