Forum: Event Management System (Q's, Comments & Suggestions)

Feature request: limit request type to what is allowed by role

Tom Björkholm
Nationality: Sweden
  • National Race Officer
  • National Umpire
  • National Judge
I have seen competitors submitting request of the wrong type (due to misunderstanding or lacking competence of the competitor). 
For instance a competitor selects  "Request for redress by PC" thinking that they request the protest committee to grant them redress.
This causes some confusion and extra work for the protest committee.

Question: What is the recommended way for the protest committee to correct an incorrect request type?

Feature request: With the users authenticated, could we limit the selection of request types to what is allowed by the users role? 
If a competitor can only submit "Protest" (or "Protest by boat") and "Request for redress" (or "Request for redress by boat") the confusion would be avoided.
Similarly "Protest by PC" and "Request for redress by PC" could be limited to users with the role "judge".
As officials may help competitors enter protests/requests into the system, I think all officials should be allowed to file as boat.

What do you think of this feature request?
Created: 23-Nov-20 14:01


Leo Reise (IJ Retired)
Tom - I hope I am not alone but I think I need an example to understand the problem. 
If the RfR is for a finish position, simply direct it to RC.
For anything else it requires a hearing.
Created: 23-Nov-20 14:25
Michael Butterfield
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • International Judge
  • International Umpire
  • International Race Officer
Why make life difficult, under rrs 641.(c) we just deal with the case as if they had selected the correct title.
No need for anything else really.
Created: 23-Nov-20 15:57
Tom Björkholm
Nationality: Sweden
  • National Race Officer
  • National Umpire
  • National Judge
I thought I expressed myself clearly but obviously I did not.
My question was not about type of hearing, or who should handle the hearing. My question was about this web system for event management and about creating correct traceability in this system when a competitor makes a mistake.

Some weeks ago at a regatta competitors had more choices than necessary and made the incorrect choices when filing a request for hearing.
Then the competitor had a web interface like this:

Competitor user interface - regatta earlier this year

Competitor user interface - regatta earlier this year

The options and how I understand the meaning are:

  • Protest -- a boat/competitor is filing a protest
  • Protest by RC -- the race committee is filing a protest
  • Prostest by PC -- the protest committee is filing a prostest
  • Protest by TC -- the technical committee is filing a protest
  • Request for Redress -- a boat/competitor is requesting redress
  • Request for Redress by RC -- the race committee is requesting redress for boat(s)
  • Request for Redress by PC -- the protest committee is requesting redress for boat(s)
  • Request for Redress by TC -- the technical committee is requesting redress for boat(s)

My suggestion was to remove the possibility for people who are not registered officials of the event to file requests from PC/RC/TC.

Today I looked at a regatta that is currently in progress, and I see that Paul has already fixed this.
This is a much better interface for a competitor (with less irrelevant options):

Competitor user interface - Currently ongoing regatta

Thus the feature request is already fulfilled for new events.

If the new improved user interface will be there also next year, then my question about how to correct a "Request for Redress by PC" filed by a competitor into a "Request for Redress" with maximum traceability becomes irrelevant.

Created: 23-Nov-20 17:25
David Hubbard
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
I have written a Regatta Management System.  It does not handle protests, but the challenge with your suggestion is that multiple people can hold multiple roles. And the database is not always updated completely. So an OA might have a racer who is also a PRO or an Umpire, but not in all races.  I think it cannot be limited because of the administrative work involved.
Created: 23-Nov-20 21:21
Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
The application currently functions as requested.  Only officials associated with an event have access to the dropdown shown above.  Everyone else can only select protest or request for redress as shown in the second image.
Created: 23-Nov-21 03:00
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