Forum: Event Management System (Q's, Comments & Suggestions)

Event Language

Laurent Ricciardi
  • Club Race Officer
The RRS platform does offer the option to choose among some languages. However, for an international event, European event, and countries that are bilingual it is currently not possible to toggle between two languages. The event, if I am not mistaking, can be published only in one language, which is a real issue. Would that be possible to put the language function within the event record, i.e., giving the option to people to change into  their own language. Thanks
Created: 24-Jan-26 19:34


Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
Actually, you can toggle between languages.  However, content generated by the event are fixed in the language by which they were authored.  But you can select the language of choice for the functionality of
Created: 24-Jan-26 19:37
Laurent Ricciardi
  • Club Race Officer
Hi Paul, yes, I see that. We can't have two event records, one in French and another in English, for the same regatta though. Anyway, I don't know how they do it in Europe, in North America, this is a legal matter that is unique to the province of Quebec in North America. Thanks
Created: 24-Jan-27 01:55
Laurent Ricciardi
  • Club Race Officer
Hi Paul, being able to toggle the application functionalities from one language to another when published is actually perfect and that's all we need for bilingualism. I have a couple of questions though as I am preparing for the season. I tested the language toggling and for some reason the competitors list field names don't change language when doing it off the "Notification board". Did I do something incorrectly, I am attaching a screenshot. Also, can't really test the registration because I don't want to set up a stripe account under my name just for sake of testing but I was wondering if you could confirm, if possible, that the registration language toggling is functional. Thank you,
Created: 24-Feb-07 13:10
Laurent Ricciardi
  • Club Race Officer
I tried again and this time around it works just fine, I had French language with all fields in french. It must have been my browser's cache that was holding some info - good stuff, thank you!

Created: 24-Feb-11 17:10
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