Forum: Event Management System (Q's, Comments & Suggestions)

Allowing Protests to be filed in Yachtscoring

Ric Crabbe
  • National Judge
I normally don't get to choose the event management system for my events and these days most frequently end up using yachtscoring (YS). I don't have a problem with YS, but I do have a problem with allowing protesters to enter protests with YS.  My problem is that no matter what gibberish is entered by the competitor, it gets posted to the official notice board without review or even notification of the PC.  The first time I tried it it at a NOOD, it was a disaster.  The ONB was filled with scoring inquiries, incomplete protests, duplicate protests, etc. Aside from screwing up the filing number system, causing us to dedicate someone to constantly reloading the ONB to scan for garbage, I think it is important that the competitors can trust that the ONB is always correct.  After that event, I reached out to YS asking for a review feature so that filings would get a review before it is posted, but they basically told me I was wrong to want this.

So now we're prepping for a regatta, and the OA is pressing me to allow protests to be filed with YS, saying it "works really well." So I have questions for those of you using YS.  How do you manage protest filing?  Are you OK with competitors posting straight to the ONB?  Do you have some workaround inside YS?  Am I wrong for wanting complete control of the ONB?  Thanks!
Created: 24-Mar-21 02:23


Gordon Davies
Nationality: Ireland
  • International Judge
There are often issues with filing requests online. One reason is that the system is set up to be used on a computer or laptop, on a large screen. However, at an event, most competitors will be entering their requests on a smartphone, on a small screen. This leads to errors, requests being sent when only half finished etc.
I have been at events where there is a computer locked on to the event management system so that competitors can enter requests on this machine.

One solution, used by some systems is to post the requests received on one page, and a separate hearing schedule. Parties should be notified when the initial request is delivered to the system, and again when the hearing is scheduled.

I would be reluctant to delete or edit a request received without discussing this with the the initiator. The incomplete or erroneous requests should be withdrawn.

Created: 24-Mar-21 09:25
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Ric, does YS have the  ability to turn-off fields of info that it automatically posts?  If so, maybe you can disable the specific field that is the problem?

Created: 24-Mar-21 11:09
Fields Gunsett
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • Regional Race Officer
One work around might be to set up a separate email account for the event where on-line protests may be submitted.  This email address would be published in the sailing instructions for the event along with any other instructions pertaining to the online submission of a protest.  The email could be received by your jury secretary, or the Chief Judge, and vetted according to the requirements of RRS 61.2.  The jury secretary could then update the on-line notice board. 
Created: 24-Mar-21 15:06
Ric Crabbe
  • National Judge
Angelo, not that I'm aware of.

Fields, that is exactly what I do now.
Created: 24-Mar-21 15:17
Kim Kymlicka
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
At one club I go to a lot to hear protests, R 42 etc., I donated a computer and monitor for the Jury secretary to have sailors enter their requests, if they want to. The mobile app from US Sailing works, but it can be challenging. 
Many times me or the OA also set up the event in the RRofS (this site) just for the ease of use regarding protests, scoring inquiries, etc.
You just have to get email addresses of the skippers. This feature is a 'no-cost' feature. If you want to use SMS, it will cost a minimal amount to do that.  

Created: 24-Mar-29 21:03
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Good call Kim. Also if anyone wants to use the protest gererator I wrote in Google forms ... it seems it's still working (just tested it).  - Ang

Protest Generator Link

PS: it sends an email to the person filing it out and gives opp to provide email of the RaceOffice too. Also, it fills out the old protest form (never got around to updating it). 
Created: 24-Mar-31 13:52
Gordon Davies
Nationality: Ireland
  • International Judge
I would argue that the whole point of using an online system is that there is no need to have a Jury Secretary. 
At most events I attend nowadays there is no jury secretary. Instead a member of the PC is designated to handle scheduling of hearings as they are delivered online. In a larger event this person will also designate PC panels.
However, having a computer available for competitors to access the event management system for all their declarations, requests, enquiries etc is incredibly useful, especially if there is a computer literate person in the race office reception to asist.
Created: 24-Apr-01 12:51
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Re: Having a computer avail to competitors to use 

Just a note for being safe and using good computer-hygiene ... it is usually pretty easy to create a user-login with "guest" privileges.  This will/can lock down the computer so that 
  1. USB ports are disabled for using USB drives 
  2. No software or drivers can be installed 
  3. no creation or editing of accounts can be done
  4. No files can be downloaded 

These tools have also been implemented typically in a "family safety" mode, where you can setup an account for kids and restrict the websites and applications they can run. You can create a "kids account" using these tools and lock it to only the browser and website used for regatta. 
Created: 24-Apr-01 14:16
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