Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Series Tie Breaking

Vince Harris
  • Judge In Training
If there is a series-score tie between two or more boats, each boat’s race scores shall be listed in order of best to worst, and at the first point(s) where there is a difference the tie shall be broken in favour of the boat(s) with the best score(s). No excluded scores shall be used.

So to be clear, if there are 'throw-out' races, they should be accounted for (thrown out) before determining whether there is a tie, correct?
Created: 24-Apr-25 13:04


Russell Beale
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Club Race Officer
  • Regional Umpire
  • National Judge
Correct.  Discards are just that - discarded. So for e.g in a 4 race series with 3 to count a boat with scores of 1, 1, 3, 25 is tied with one on 1, 1, 3, 4 - at which point A8.2 comes into play and the latter boat wins. 

Perhaps you can give us more context to explain any confusion? 
Created: 24-Apr-26 23:54
Niko Kotsatos
  • Judge In Training
Seconding Russell. The tallies are not final until after the 'throw-out' or excluded scores.

I have regularly advocated for excluded scores to be the first tie-breaker, but that's a different discussion.
Created: 24-May-09 17:32
Vince Harris
  • Judge In Training
I was just making sure that step one is to throw out the highest scores.  Not sure now why I felt a bit uncertain, but I'm good with that now!
Thanks, guys.

Created: 24-May-09 18:14
Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Nicholas re: "I have regularly advocated for excluded scores to be the first tie-breaker, but that's a different discussion."

You could write that into the SI's.  Appx A is customizable in NOR/SI's under RRS 86.1. Sounds like a reasonable change to me. 
Created: 24-May-11 11:55
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