Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

TLE time limit expires

Zsolt Regenyi
Nationality: Hungary
  • International Judge

TLE is to be applied if boats are not finished within the time given for the races! The regatta is for one race a day for 3 days. So each day one race. Those who are not finished  within the time limit get 2 points to the legally finished boats number. 

My question is is this TLE rule are somewhere in Worldsailing’s regulation?
Created: 24-May-21 11:02


Craig Priniski
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
You have to write the TLE into your SIs if you plan to use it (Including what the time limit is). Some Race officials find it to be problematic in scoring.  For longer series of races especially in one design boats it has its place.  You can find sample language for your SIs in these forums. 
Created: 24-May-21 11:41
John Allan
Nationality: Australia
  • National Judge
  • Regional Race Officer
TLE is not [yet] included in the RRS.

The OA/RC can devise any formula they like and write it into the NOR/SI.

A standard form of words using 'Finishing Window' is shown in Appendix LG
Created: 24-May-21 11:42
Craig Priniski
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
Sample text from the SI guide (World Sailing Apendix LG) This is a guide only and the idea of windows at marks might be ignored in your case.  


16.1 The Mark 1 Time Limit, Race Time Limit (see RRS 35), and the Finishing Window are shown in the table below.

Mark 1 Time Limit Race Time Limit Finishing Window

<time> <time> <time>

16.2 If no boat has passed the first mark within the Mark 1 Time Limit, the race will be abandoned.

16.3 The Finishing Window is the time for boats to finish after the first boat sails the course and finishes. Boats failing to finish within the Finishing Window, and not subsequently retiring, penalized or given redress, will be scored Time Limit Expired (TLE) without a hearing. A boat scored TLE shall be scored points for the finishing place [one][two] more than the points scored by the last boat that finished within the Finishing Window. This changes RRS 35, A5.1, A5.2 and A10.

16.4 Failure to meet the Target Time will not be grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a).

Created: 24-May-21 11:46
Paul Jackson
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • International Race Officer
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Race Officer
I concur with Craig on this. For scoring if you have a programme such as Sailwave it does all the work for you. You can set it to almost any value you wish for TLE in the set up.
Created: 24-May-21 14:19
Warren Collier
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Race Officer
  • Regional Judge
This brings up the conversation of whether TLE should be used vs DNF after time limit since TLE can produce some unfair results where a boat usually near last place gets a much better score than they normally would. One approach that has been suggested when you have a large number of boats that are TLE is to average the number of boats not finishing within the Finishing Window and add it to the number of boats finishing.
Created: 24-May-22 12:11
Jerry Thompson
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • Umpire In Training
  • Regional Race Officer
What is the purpose of scoring TLE rather than DNF?

I believe TLE is used so that competitors don't get discouraged by a DNF score. But, as Warren states, TLE can produce unfair results in a weekend series and should never be used for qualifying rounds.

TLE may be useful in a long series where you want people to keep showing up to race every week. A5.3 is also useful in a long series, but beware, A5.3 places an onus on the Race Committee to count and record the number of boats that come to the starting area for each race. 

Created: 24-May-22 13:22
Craig Priniski
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
I've seen TLE defined being scored Last +1 (DNF) in some SIs basically only recording the stubbornness of the teams that never gave up!  
Remember This still helps because if you never define a time limit, the race committee may now have to abandon a race where some finishers have been recorded, which also gets thorny. (If you don't state a time limit or window, there is no time limit on the race.)  You also could simply state "Boats not finishing within the time limit shall be scored DNF" and or "Boats not finished within 30 minutes of the first boat finishing will be scored DNF" 
Created: 24-May-22 13:49
Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Jerry, it's just an opportunity to recognize and document the factual difference between DNF (equipment, crew, etc) vs TLE.  I guess it offers the possibility to differentiate the scoring formula as well between DNF and TLE .. but frankly I don't think that makes much sense. 

One thing that does come to mind when talking about TLE that I've brought up before is that, at least in the US, when sailors are faced with a dying breeze and a TL that is fast approaching, they will often do the time/distance calc and realize they will "never make it".  At that point, they may radio the RC and "retire". 

It may be that the SI's provide for a #finisher-based score for DNF/TLE but a #starters-based or #entire-based score for retire/DSQ .. as "retiring" is a penalty a boat can take. 

I've thought a boat, faced with the 'never make it' calculus, should be able to call the RC to let them know they will not finish within time and request they be given a DNF/TLE score.  I think that language matches the facts better and removes the confusion of using "retire" for this purpose. 

PS: the challenge here is def: racing.  A boat is still "racing" unless they "retire", so they can't turn on their engine to head home by calling the RC to TLE.  So, an SI would also need to include a propulsion-use clause for after such a call. 
Created: 24-May-23 10:40
David Chudzicki
Nationality: United States
  • Club Judge
Angelo, interesting worry re "racing".

I wonder if it's actually okay though:

42.1 says: "Except when permitted in rule 42.3 or 45, a boat shall compete by using only the wind and water to increase, ..."

Compete does not have a special definition in RRS, so we use the ordinary meaning, by which I would think a boat is not competing if they've turned on their engine to leave the race course and head home.
Created: 24-May-23 19:04
Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
David re: "compete" ..

Hmm .. maybe .. but I'd rather think we can simply state the intent leveraging 42.3(i) .. 

RRS 42.3(i) Sailing instructions may, in stated circumstances, permit propulsion using an engine or any other method, provided the boat does not gain a significant advantage in the race.

So, maybe an SI that allows boats to call in a TLE/DNF might read ???

SI #.# When a boat that started decides that she can not finish within the Finishing Window or due to issues with equipment or crew, she may hail the Race Committee and state she "will not finish" and the reason why.  After receiving confirmation from the RC, the boat may use mechanical-propulsion to exit the racing area.  While doing so, she shall not interfere with a boat that is racing.  The RC shall score her TLE or DNF accordingly.  This changes RRS A5.1. 
Created: 24-May-23 19:29
Craig Priniski
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
A boat that starts the engine to return home BEFORE the time limit must retire and is therefore no longer racing. Scored properly RET  Retired 
Created: 24-May-23 19:36
Philip Hubbell
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • Judge In Training
RC might use the "Finishing Window" shorthand amongst themselves, but why add its definition to the documents? Keep it simple:

16.3 The Finishing Window is the time for boats to finish after the first boat sails the course and finishes. Boats failing to finish within [X minutes] after the first boat sails the course and finishes, and not subsequently retiring, penalized or given redress, will be scored Time Limit Expired (TLE) without a hearing. A boat scored TLE shall be scored points for the finishing place [one][two] more than the points scored by the last boat that finished. within the Finishing Window. This changes RRS 35, A5.1, A5.2 and A10.

Created: 24-May-25 15:04
Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Philip re: "but why add its definition to the documents?"

Often different fleets/racing circles will have different courses and finishing windows (different speed of boats and course lengths).  

If you look at SI 16.1 .. it anticipates a "table" of values .. not just a single number. 

16.1 The Mark 1 Time Limit, Race Time Limit (see RRS 35), and the Finishing Window are shown in the table below.
Sure, if there is only one fleet (an OD regatta for instance), there is less need for a table. (Though using a table makes it easier to find later on the water if you are the boat running out of time). 
Created: 24-May-26 12:08
Peter van Muyden
Nationality: Canada
  • Judge In Training
  • International Race Officer
I've followed the TLE discussions which are very interesting and I would like to add a few items

Here is the current Appendix LG instruction:
16.3 The Finishing Window is the time for boats to finish after the first boat sails the course and finishes. Boats failing to finish within the Finishing Window, and not subsequently retiring, penalized or given redress, will be scored Time Limit Expired (TLE) without a hearing. A boat scored TLE shall be scored points for the finishing place [one][two] more than the points scored by the last boat that finished within the Finishing Window. This changes RRS 35, A5.1, A5.2 and A10.

To me there are three parts:
  1. Fairness -  Some think that TLE scores are not fair for certain series.  I don't have an opinion regarding the perceived unfairness.
  2. The issue with the current wording -  The current instruction contains a problem in the case where the last boat that finished received certain letter scores. Last October, I submitted a World Sailing Q&A with a TLE scenario which shows the issue, and a few days ago, I received an answer back. The Q&A answer is listed as private, and this means that rules or appendices need to be changed. I've been told that I can't post the Q&A answer on the forum until the rules or appendices are changed. Below are two scenarios that show the problem with the current wording. One benefits the TLE boats, and one hurts them, but both show the issue.
    • ---- First scenario ----
    1. 50 boats registered
    2. Black flag start
    3. Boat Alpha was in was in the triangle during the last minute before the starting signal, but was below the starting line at the starting signal.
    4. Boat Alpha sailed the course and was the last boat to cross the finishing line within the finish window, in 30th position
    5. Boat Bravo plus 19 other boats started correctly, but failed to finish within the finishing window
    6. As per the current TLE instruction in Appendix LG, Boat Bravo and the other 19 boat (TLE boats)will receive a TLE score of 51 plus 1 or 2 points.   51 point for the points scored by the last boat (Alpha) that finished within the Finishing Window plus 1 or 2 points 
    • ---- Second scenario ----
    1. 50 boats registered 
    2. In races 1-3 boat Alpha finishes in 1st place. 
    3. In race 4 boat Alpha is in 2nd place and notices that boat B, who is ahead of him, is in danger.
    4. as per the RRS boat Alpha helps boat Bravo who eventually retires.
    5. Boat Alpha continues on and is the last boat to finish within the finishing window
    6. 10 boats failed to finish within the finishing window
    7. Boat Alpha requests and receives redress for race 4 of average point of races 1-3;  1 point
    8. The ten TLE boats will receive, as per the current instruction, a score of 2 or 3 points in race 4. This comprises 1 point for Alpha's score (points for the last boat to finish within the finish window), plus 1 or 2 points. 
  3. Impact on the race committee - Even if they reword the instruction it will still impact the race committee.  Now the race committee needs to keep track if boats with certain letter scores meet the definition of Finish or not.  See the table below:
 Somebody stated that a scoring program like Sailwave can manage this, which is true, but you need to instruct the program whether a boat that finished last within the finish window with a particular letter score met the definition of finish or not. For example, configure Sailwave with two versions of letter scoring codes listed above in red: one with a scoring method indicating that the boat met the definition of finish, and one without. 

As long as you have a different scoring code name, Sailwave has no problems with managing two versions of those letter scoring codes, but there is a significant impact on the RC.   
At the start of the race the RC has to keep track if a ZFP, BFD or UFD boat was below the starting line at or after her starting signal and therefor meeting or not meeting the definition of Start.

A solution could be that the TLE score would be based on the last boat that finished within the finish window and counts it as a rank position (no letter scores) in the race. It's probably not perfect, but scoring systems should not have any problems with this, and it doesn't add any additional work or complexity for the race committee.

Created: 24-Jun-02 15:52
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