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Here is the words that were in the NoR for the J24 Europeans in ITA. 25 COMPETITORS DRONES
25.1 [DP] Teams or their representatives shall not fly drones over the shore base or over the race area during training or racing days without complying with local legislation and without prior written
approval by the organizer (see the dedicated part of the entry form).
25.2 The approval granted at the sole discretion of the organizer may impose limitations on where and when drones may fly.
25.3 At any time the risk and responsibility for flying any drone is with the person flying the drone and images made inside the race area shall be shared with the organizer, race committee, competitors or
Further to my posting above, the same words were included in the Kiel Race Week NoR for the last two years. For events in North America, I have see a simple statement in NoR stating: "Boats, including support boats, shall not fly drones. [DP]
I think that solves it for competitors and participating entourage. However, there is nothing stopping a third party from flying a drome within the confines of the local legislative framework as in most jurisdictions we do not have any authority over airspace. Here in Aus it is governed by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. So in addition to the above, perhaps Rule 41 may come into play.
From the Sydney to Gold Coast SI DRONES 28.1 A drone operated from a boat is considered to be recreational. 28.2 A drone may not to be flown in a way that creates a hazard to another aircraft, person or property, and personal privacy is to be respected. 28.3 Drones may be used to obtain imagery. Drones may not be used to gain (performance) advantage. 28.4 Drone Restrictions: • a drone shall only be flown during the day and within visual line-of-sight (your own eyes); • a drone shall keep more than 30 metres away from other boats (and people); • a drone shall not be flown over or above other boats (and people); • a drone shall not be flown at heights greater than 400 ft (120 metres); • a drone shall not be flown over or near an area affecting public safety or where emergency operations or a SAR incident is in process. The Organising Authority may advise competitors to fly drones to assist situational awareness; • a boat shall not launch a Drone if it is suspected or known that manned aircraft are operating in the vicinity; • on becoming aware of manned aircraft operating in the vicinity, manoeuvre a Drone away from any manned aircraft and land as soon as safely possible; • a drone shall not be flown within the Drone Exclusion Zone 28.5 The Drone Exclusion Zone is a geographical area encompassing the confines of Sydney Harbour and extending offshore in an arc of 3nm centred on Hornby Light (South Head).
John re: "28.3 Drones may be used to obtain imagery. Drones may not be used to gain (performance) advantage. "
Thou shall un-see what thy hath seen. :-)
What point/distinction do you think SI 28.1 is trying to make?
Am I reading this correctly that it seems to anticipate that a boat racing might launch and operate a drone? If so, why is this not outside information not freely available to all boats? (RRS 41(c)).
Angelo, No idea, you'd have to ask the National Jury how they're going to apply it.
I guess the point is that obtaining imagery from a drone is not, per se outside help.
Bear in mind the very long standing difference of opinion between Australians and Americans about the 'unfairness' of knowing where your competitors are in an ocean race.
Interesting where these topics take us. I was really only to look to preventing a plethora of drones from coaches and support persons turning up all the time. Knowing where boats are when offshore should be covered by bringing the AIS rules where WS now has standard wording to prevent people hiding. I do have problems though with rules that say 'drones shall not be used to gain (performance) advantage' where there is no way to enforce such a rule. An overhead drone shot can be used to monitor sail trim or see currents or tide lines but how can you prove you did not use such information. A rule that cannot be enforced is not a good rule in my book.
John S re: "I do have problems though with rules that say 'drones shall not be used to gain (performance) advantage' where there is no way to enforce such a rule."
For events in North America, I have see a simple statement in NoR stating: "Boats, including support boats, shall not fly drones. [DP]
28.1 A drone operated from a boat is considered to be recreational.
28.2 A drone may not to be flown in a way that creates a hazard to another aircraft, person or property, and personal privacy is to be respected.
28.3 Drones may be used to obtain imagery. Drones may not be used to gain (performance) advantage.
28.4 Drone Restrictions:
• a drone shall only be flown during the day and within visual line-of-sight (your own eyes);
• a drone shall keep more than 30 metres away from other boats (and people);
• a drone shall not be flown over or above other boats (and people);
• a drone shall not be flown at heights greater than 400 ft (120 metres);
• a drone shall not be flown over or near an area affecting public safety or where emergency operations or a SAR incident is in process. The Organising Authority may advise competitors to fly drones to assist situational awareness;
• a boat shall not launch a Drone if it is suspected or known that manned aircraft are operating in the vicinity;
• on becoming aware of manned aircraft operating in the vicinity, manoeuvre a Drone away from any manned aircraft and land as soon as safely possible;
• a drone shall not be flown within the Drone Exclusion Zone
28.5 The Drone Exclusion Zone is a geographical area encompassing the confines of Sydney Harbour and extending offshore in an arc of 3nm centred on Hornby Light (South Head).
Thou shall un-see what thy hath seen. :-)
What point/distinction do you think SI 28.1 is trying to make?
Am I reading this correctly that it seems to anticipate that a boat racing might launch and operate a drone? If so, why is this not outside information not freely available to all boats? (RRS 41(c)).
No idea, you'd have to ask the National Jury how they're going to apply it.
I guess the point is that obtaining imagery from a drone is not, per se outside help.
Bear in mind the very long standing difference of opinion between Australians and Americans about the 'unfairness' of knowing where your competitors are in an ocean race.
One might be hard-pressed to make the argument that a drone is not "outside" a "sailboat and its crew".
Maybe there is another SI ... as RRS 41 is available for change.
Knowing where boats are when offshore should be covered by bringing the AIS rules where WS now has standard wording to prevent people hiding.
I do have problems though with rules that say 'drones shall not be used to gain (performance) advantage' where there is no way to enforce such a rule. An overhead drone shot can be used to monitor sail trim or see currents or tide lines but how can you prove you did not use such information. A rule that cannot be enforced is not a good rule in my book.
Exactly ... you can't unbite the apple!