Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

New definition of obstruction

Ric Crabbe
  • National Judge
The 2025 rules have the definition of obstruction as,  “(d) an area or line in a rule that boats are prohibited from entering or crossing”

Rules 30.2-30.4 state that “If flag x has been displayed, no part of a boat’s hull shall be in the triangle formed by the ends of the starting line and the first mark during the last minute before her starting signal.“. That sure sounds like an area in a rule that boats are prohibited from entering.  Therefore, if a Z, U, or black flag is displayed, the start line is an obstruction during the last minute before the start. 

Created: 24-Jul-30 23:33


John D. Farris
  • Regional Race Officer
  • Measurer in Training
  • Umpire In Training
  • Regional Judge
Ric, they should have left this wording, "so designated by the sailing instructions are also obstructions." See Submission 004-22 Definition Obstruction, Proposal 2 at
Created: 24-Jul-30 23:58
John Christman
  • International Umpire
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Judge
I'm wondering if penalized for entering and prohibited from entering are the same.  The rule doesn't say you are prohibited from entering the area, just that you will be penalized if you do.  Semantics or splitting hairs to be sure.
Created: 24-Jul-31 00:24
John Allan
  • National Judge
  • Regional Race Officer
John C 'The rule doesn't say you are prohibited from entering the area'

Oh yes it does 'no part of a boat’s hull shall be in the triangle'.

That's a prohibition.

But why does it matter?  In the last minute, RRS 19 is not going to apply.
Created: 24-Jul-31 00:43
John Christman
  • International Umpire
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Judge
John A: I'll grant you that I'm looking for the loophole.  I don't know that I agree with your assertion that rule 19 wouldn't apply as the preamble to Part C does not seem to apply to the area.

Section C rules do not apply between boats when the mark or obstruction referred to in those rules is a starting mark surrounded by navigable water or its anchor line, from the time the boats are approaching it to start until they have left it astern.

You might not be approaching the line to start 50 seconds before the start and are running line.  Also, the area is not a starting mark.
Created: 24-Jul-31 00:56
Ric Crabbe
  • National Judge
Lots of John’s replying! People with other names may also do so
John F. - yes, I prefer that wording too
John C.— To me, “no part shall” is a prohibition
John A. — Why doesn’t 19 apply?
Created: 24-Jul-31 00:58
John Allan
  • National Judge
  • Regional Race Officer
John C got me there:

Preamble to Part C only switches off at the starting marks, not the line.

A boat in the last minute may or arguably may not be approaching to start.
Created: 24-Jul-31 01:55
Marino Dimarzo
Nationality: United States
  • Club Judge
I cannot find why 19 does not apply anywhere.  If 19 applies then consider the following:
A boat "A" is slowly approaching the line on starboard with one boat length to go at 30 second to the start.  A boat "B" clear astearn establishes a windward overlap when there is room to pass between "A" and the starting line line.  
Can "B" claim that "A" is the outside boat to the continuous obstruction and barge in?
Created: 24-Jul-31 03:22
Ric Crabbe
  • National Judge
In the interest of full credit, it was Marino who pointed out this question to me.  

I’m thinking that if A is close hauled approaching the line and B becomes overlapped to windward, then 19.2(c) applies (there is no room, so she’s not entitled to any). But if A is running the line more than a boat length below it, and B gets in there above her, then A cannot luff B over the line.
Created: 24-Jul-31 03:50
Charles Darley
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Regional Umpire
The definition applies only to match racing and the starting procedure for match racing (D3) does not have black or uniform flags
Created: 24-Jul-31 07:39
Charles Darley
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Regional Umpire
Oops. I must learn to read. 
Created: 24-Jul-31 07:47
Marino Dimarzo
Nationality: United States
  • Club Judge
Actually only more than a boat width should suffice.  That changes completely the game at the start since "A" has no defense while being the RWB
Created: 24-Jul-31 12:48
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Ric and Marino ... nice catch!!

I just reviewed all of the reference submissions that built-up the new definition ... and there is nothing about this. The closest was a discussion about a very large signal boat .. and that the new definition makes clear that it is not a continuing obstruction. 

Hopefully someone will send-up a signal flair to WSRC. 
Created: 24-Jul-31 16:06
Jim Champ
Nationality: United Kingdom
I want to believe that an obstruction is always an obstruction, but I'm not sure of the justification, and of course an ROW boat is always an obstruction. A question I ought to look into is whether "no part of a boat’s hull shall be in " occurs in any other places, and whether those comprise obstructions, and also if there are other incidences of obstructions being defined in the rules, and what form of words are used there.
Created: 24-Jul-31 18:26
Niko Kotsatos
  • Judge In Training
Has anyone heard anything about this? 2025 is approaching, and this rule could really be an issue!
Created: 24-Sep-20 19:37
Ric Crabbe
  • National Judge
Niko, yes, I'm told that there is an emergency rule change coming.  My sources say that it will be a modification to 30.2-30.4 such that they will not prohibit being in the triangle, but simply specify a scoring penalty if a boat is.
Created: 24-Sep-20 20:08
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