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Deactivation of a user profile
Walter Stemberger
National Race Officer
National Judge
It is possible to deactivate a racingrulesofsailing user profile/account , so you still retain all the history, but others can't see and/or add this profile as Official? I can find only "Delete User Account".
Created: 24-Sep-04 11:34
Angelo Guarino
Regional Judge
Fleet Measurer
Walter ... have you tried changing your category at the top of your profile settings from "Race Official" to "other"?
Created: 24-Sep-04 11:35
Paul Zupan
Nationality: United States
International Judge
National Judge
Once you delete the account, you will not be able to sign into again. All the associated event related data remains on the application. So unless you want to be able to sign in with that user ID, deleting it will work.
Created: 24-Sep-04 16:33
Angelo Guarino
Regional Judge
Fleet Measurer
Paul .. if Walter simply changes himself from "Race Official" to "Other" ... will that take him off the officials-list when looking from within the race management interface? It seems that's what he's looking for.
Created: 24-Sep-04 16:51
Paul Zupan
Nationality: United States
International Judge
National Judge
It would definitely take him off the officials list. Though the account would otherwise be active.
Created: 24-Sep-04 17:34
Walter Stemberger
National Race Officer
National Judge
I will try first the "change to Other" approach. I had defined a second account time ago because of some last minute error testing (some protest decision edit problems), and I still have two account on different e-mail, which can be confusing for event creators or chief officers. The important thing is to continue publicly to use just one of them, the other has to stay for history access reason (documents, protest decisions and so on) - active or passive, important is that is "invisible" as official for event creators/editors.
UPDATE: Tried to change one account to "Other". First goal is accomplished, this account is not visible in Official list, the second really no: the "toolbox" menu entry disappeared (My Events with them), so the only way to find my old events made with this account is to scroll or search (knowing the name used for the event) in the Recent Regattas, like any anonymous.
UPDATE: Tried to change one account to "Other". First goal is accomplished, this account is not visible in Official list, the second really no: the "toolbox" menu entry disappeared (My Events with them), so the only way to find my old events made with this account is to scroll or search (knowing the name used for the event) in the Recent Regattas, like any anonymous.
Thanks, Walter