Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Significant Changes in the Kiteboard Rules for 2017

Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
Appendix F makes some significant changes to the fleet rules, and the 2017 changes are even more significant. The 2017 rule changes I see as most significant are:
  1. Definitions:
  2. Rule : While Tacking
  3. Rule : When Rule 18 Applies
  4. Rule : One-Turn Penalty
  5. Rule : Redress and : Taking a Penalty


Old Rule: One boat is clear astern of another when her hull and equipment in normal position are behind a line abeam from the aftermost point of the other boat’s hull and equipment in the normal position….

New Rule: One kiteboard is clear astern of another when her hull is behind the line abeam from the aftermost point of the other kiteboard’s hull….

Excluding equipment from the definition means that only the hull is considered in determining overlap. The obvious effect of this is that kiteboards on the same tack will not be nearly as often. And because of the change in . the significance of overlaps when on opposite tacks is greatly reduced. Here are some examples:

Diagram 1: There is no longer an overlap under the new rules. Yellow is clear ahead and if Blue accelerates and her hull does become overlapped with Yellow, Blue must still as she is the board.
Diagram 2: Blue is overlapped to leeward of Yellow. The significance of the change is apparent here. Yellow will not need to begin to keep clear until Blue is with Yellow, and the actual overlap will only occur in the length of a board. That means the overtaking board will need to until the actual overlap occurs.
Diagram 3: Blue and Yellow are overlapped on opposite tacks. Note that the overlap will exist as long as either boat is ahead of the line abeam from the aftermost point of either hull.
Diagram 4: Blue is overlapped with Green because Yellow is overlapped with both.
Diagram 5: Yellow is overlapped to windward of Blue despite her kite flying below Blue.

Rule : While Tacking

Old Rule: 13.1 When a kiteboard changes tack on an upwind leg, she shall keep clear of other kiteboards until she is moving on a close-hauled course. During that time rules 10, 11 and 12 do not apply. If two kiteboards are subject to this rule at the same time, the one on the other’s port side or the one astern shall keep clear.
13.2 If two kiteboards converge while sailing downwind and it is not possible under rule 10, 11 or 12 to determine which one has right of way, (a) if they are overlapped, the one on the other’s starboard side shall keep clear. if they are not overlapped, the one clear astern shall keep clear.

New Rule: [Deleted]

Rule 13 has been deleted from the 2017 Kiteboard Rules because it really would only apply for a split second and has led to confusion for sailors and protest committees about when a tack is completed and when rules 15 and 16 apply. With rule 13 deleted, there is just a determination of which board has right-of-way (typically rule port/starboard) and application of rules and (room to ).

Rule : When Rule 18 Applies

Old Rule: Rule 18 begins to apply between kiteboards when they are required to leave a mark on the same side and at least one of them is about to round or pass it. The rule no longer applies after the kiteboard entitled to mark-room has passed the mark. However, it does not apply;
  1. between boats on opposite tacks on a beat to windward,
  2. between boats on opposite tacks when the proper course at the markfor one but not both of them is to tack,
  3. between a boat approaching a mark and one leaving it, or
  4. if the mark is a continuing obstruction, in which case rule 19 applies.
New Rule: Rule 18 applies between kiteboards when they are required to leave a mark on the same side and at least one of them is in the zone. However, it does not apply;
  1. between a kiteboard approaching a mark and one leaving it, or
  2. between kiteboards on opposite tacks,
  3. If the mark is a continuing obstruction, in which case rule applies.
The change in rule means that now when boats are approaching any on opposite tacks, even the downwind mark, rule 18 will not apply.

So in this Diagram, Yellow must keep clear of Blue, even though Yellow is overlapped and the inside board. Blue has right-of-way as the starboard tack boat and can maneuver as she likes within the bounds of rule :.

Rule : One-Turn Penalty

Old Rule: After getting well clear of other kiteboards as soon after the incident as possible, a kiteboard takes a 360°-Turn Penalty by promptly making a 360° turn with her hull in the water and with no requirement for a tack or a gybe

New Rule: After getting well clear of other kiteboards as soon after the incident as possible, a kiteboard takes a One-Turn Penalty by promptly making one turn with her hull in the water. The turn shall include one completed tack and one completed gybe. Forward motion shall be established between the tack and the gybe (or vice versa) with the competitor on the correct side of the hull in normal sailing position

The new rule requires a complete tack and gybe sailing in the normal position with forward motion accomplished between the tack and gybe. This change clarifies what is expected in an effort to make the penalty effective.

Rule : Redress and : Taking a Penalty

Old Rule: Added 62.1(e) capsizing because of the action of a kiteboard that was breaking a rule of Part 2.
New Rule Replaces 621(b) ) injury or physical damage or tangle because of the action of a kiteboard that was breaking a rule of Part 2 or of a vessel not racing that was required to keep clear

This change means that just capsizing is no longer grounds for redress. There must be a tangle, damage or injury for a request for redress to be granted.


Rule 44.1(b) has been changed to include tangle so that a boat that causes injury, damage or a tangle must retire. That means that, if you break a rule and cause a tangle, you must retire, even if there is no damage or injury.

This is not an exhaustive list of the changes - only the changes I believe most significant. But I will conclude with a question:

Question: Under rule does the rule require a foiling board to drop off her foil such that her "hull" is in the water in order to meet the requirements of the rule?
Created: 17-May-13 14:18


Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
For the IKA Gold Cup in Korea, the NOR/SI's changed RRS to read:

“After getting well clear of other kiteboards as soon after the incident as possible, a kiteboard takes a One-Turn Penalty by promptly making one turn with her APPENDAGE in the water..."
Created: 17-May-19 13:48
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