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Official Notice Board vs Online Notice Board
Benjamin Harding
International Judge
National Judge
Club Judge
Judge In Training
Just wondering what the functional differences are between the 'Official Notice Board' and the 'Online Notice Board'.
Created: 24-Sep-16 07:53
Paul Zupan
International Judge
National Judge
No difference. Only the title is different.
Created: 24-Sep-16 07:54
Benjamin Harding
International Judge
National Judge
Club Judge
Judge In Training
Thanks Paul for the quick response.
Created: 24-Sep-16 10:01
Sue Reilly
Nationality: United States
National Umpire
Regional Judge
Regional Race Officer
'Not sure i completely agree, an online notice board can be unofficial. There can be only 1 'official' notice board that needs to be defined in NOR and SIs.
Created: 24-Sep-25 21:09
Benjamin Harding
International Judge
National Judge
Club Judge
Judge In Training
Perhaps you could explain your disagreement a little more.
My question was really only pertaining to the 'function' (say, the 'computer code behind the webpages') rather than the RRS 'officialness' of ithem.
I think Paul answered my query.
Created: 24-Sep-25 22:43
John Allan
National Race Officer
National Judge
Ben, Re Sue, Perhaps you could explain your disagreement a little more.
Strictly within the context of the Event Management System Paul's answer to your question that there is no functional differences between the 'Official Notice Board' and the 'Online Notice Board' was, of course quite right.
I think Sue was addressing the broader context of the RRS. Most events these days have some sort of online noticeboard. This is not necessarily the Official Notice Board. RRS J2.1(7) requires that the NOR or SI identify which or where is the Official Notice Board.
Created: 24-Sep-26 03:47
Benjamin Harding
International Judge
National Judge
Club Judge
Judge In Training
That's what I figured.
Let's be clear. My question was about the computer coding functionality of the two versions on, not the RRS function.
Sue appears (as you say) to have commented on the RRS connotation, and I agree with her.
------------------------------ The phrase 'Official Notice Board' is not defined, but is used several times in the RRS in an ordinary sense.
61.1 - Race Committee Protests 86.2 - WS Authorisation letter for changes to rules in a specific event 87 - Permission to change class rules at an event 90.2 - Sailing Instructions location (J2.1(7) - Location of ONB) N1.7 - WS Authorisation Letter to adjust constitution of International Jury N1.8 - MNA approval of the International Jury (App. S - Example standard sailing instructions)
However J2.1(7) asks for the SI to define it's location, and that essentially defines it as 'the location for the information in referred to elsewhere'. So it doesn't need any special definition.
'Online Notice Board' is a remnant of the old days when ONBs were physical paper noticeboards, but backed up online. Now there seems to be cross-over in the uses of both.
The terminology here is pedantic. I think as per Appendix J, an 'Official Notice Board' should be referred to. Thus, the name online notice board is redundant when all comms are online anyway.
I think it's an omission not to specifically name an Official Notice Board.
Perhaps you could explain your disagreement a little more.
My question was really only pertaining to the 'function' (say, the 'computer code behind the webpages') rather than the RRS 'officialness' of ithem.
I think Paul answered my query.
Strictly within the context of the Event Management System Paul's answer to your question that there is no functional differences between the 'Official Notice Board' and the 'Online Notice Board' was, of course quite right.
I think Sue was addressing the broader context of the RRS. Most events these days have some sort of online noticeboard. This is not necessarily the Official Notice Board. RRS J2.1(7) requires that the NOR or SI identify which or where is the Official Notice Board.
Let's be clear. My question was about the computer coding functionality of the two versions on, not the RRS function.
Sue appears (as you say) to have commented on the RRS connotation, and I agree with her.
The phrase 'Official Notice Board' is not defined, but is used several times in the RRS in an ordinary sense.
61.1 - Race Committee Protests
86.2 - WS Authorisation letter for changes to rules in a specific event
87 - Permission to change class rules at an event
90.2 - Sailing Instructions location
(J2.1(7) - Location of ONB)
N1.7 - WS Authorisation Letter to adjust constitution of International Jury
N1.8 - MNA approval of the International Jury
(App. S - Example standard sailing instructions)
However J2.1(7) asks for the SI to define it's location, and that essentially defines it as 'the location for the information in referred to elsewhere'. So it doesn't need any special definition.
'Online Notice Board' is a remnant of the old days when ONBs were physical paper noticeboards, but backed up online. Now there seems to be cross-over in the uses of both.
The terminology here is pedantic. I think as per Appendix J, an 'Official Notice Board' should be referred to. Thus, the name online notice board is redundant when all comms are online anyway.
I think it's an omission not to specifically name an Official Notice Board.