Forum: Event Management System

Event Test Mode - Practice and Familiarisation Functions

Benjamin Harding
  • National Judge
  • Club Judge
  • Judge In Training
I have created an event, and added the officials.

Some of them have not used this tool before.  I have invited them to browse the 'event pages' ahead of time to get to know how it works, and the functions available.

Question 1
Can I invite the officials to practice entering data such as time limits and decisions?  If so, is it possible to delete all practice data just prior to the event, and start the event again with a clean slate? Or can I effectively delete each entry one-by-one to achieve the same result.

Question 2
If there is no such facility to 'erase all event data' for this purpose (or lock data after the practice), could this be a consideration for a future feature?

Many people are new to this tool, and it would be nice if those using it for the first time were able to practice, and get to know the functions.

Other alternatives are: 
  1. Management Tool admin to create a 'practice event' and add all officials to that.
  2. People create their own practice events, which are eventually deleted.

Created: 19-Jun-12 05:23


Paul Zupan
Nationality: United States
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
Question 1
You can handle allowing officials to practice using the application in two ways:
1. Create an Active event and a Test event (set the status to test while creating it). Then officials can use the test version without competitors being able to have access to it and do whatever they want without having to clean up after.  However, messaging still works while testing, so don't put in an email address or telephone number in a decision unless you are okay with sending email and text message notifications to that address or number.  It's also a good idea to include some indication in the title of the test event as it is easy to confuse the two later.
2.  Create one event and set the state to Test.  When done testing, clean up by deleting all the items created, then set the event to Active.  Once set to active, it becomes public so be sure to clean it up for doing so.

Question 2
Once an event is complete, select Edit Event and set the status to Archive.  This removes the event from public listings and removes any public links that allow for submitting a protest, scoring inquiry, etc.  And on the Edit Event page, you can set the Lock on.  That locks all the data which means no one can change it.  The event is then in a state where nothing can be changed and yet is complete for purposes of archiving the information.  It is important to do so as judges typically need access to that data for a couple years after the event.

Created: 19-Jun-12 05:47
Benjamin Harding
  • National Judge
  • Club Judge
  • Judge In Training
Thanks Paul.

Great answer, and great tool.

Created: 19-Jun-13 08:25
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