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Jury Secretary - temporary change of duties
John Pickup
Nationality: United Kingdom
I am not sure how I can pass the mantle of secretary from me to a jury member during the event (this one lasts a month or more!), giving him all the rights to edit that I seem to have. Any one any ideas?
Created: 19-Jun-25 12:23
Paul Zupan
International Judge
National Judge
Any judge for the event will have the authority to take over any of the tasks, protests or decisions which you created.
Created: 19-Jun-25 12:25
David Lees
Nationality: United Kingdom
International Judge
National Umpire
Absolutely! Or, incidentally, anyone else. Jury Secretary, while a very important post, is not officially indicated anywhere in the rules. The chairman can appoint (and sack) anyone he likes with the approval of the rest of the jury. So if the appointed secretary needs to be away for a period, it is perfectly OK for a member of the jury to take over, or, as I say, for someone else to act as a substitute while the person appointed is away.