This comes out of the
thread talking about 2025's new Part 5. The idea is that PC's might want more flexibility to ID the protestee during an otherwise valid hearing.
I'm not suggesting that's a good idea or bad, just putting the language in the correct forum if someone wants to find it (or talk about if it's a good idea or not).
SI #.# 60.3(a) is replaced by, "When delivered, a protest shall be in writing and identify the protestor and the incident, and identify or uniquely describe the protestee."
I think maybe I could buy that. Just to keep that idea going, and explore that ("uniquely describes") a bit ..
In a J/22 class regatta where the vast majority or possibly all boats are white hulled, describing the protestee as "a white hulled J/22" would be insufficient? But, if there are only a couple colored hulls, then saying "a blue hulled J/22" would be ok (without an SI modifying 60.3(a))?
PS: Are we concerned that without changing 60.3(a) we are conflating "describing" and "identifying"?
If I'm asked the 2 questions .. Can you describe the object? .. Can you identify the object? .. aren't those 2 different answers?