Hi, in the 2025-2028 rules Proper Course reads (in part);
"A course a boat would choose in order to sail the course as quickly as possible in the absence of the other boats referred to in the rule using the term."
I suspect that "quickly" is meant to mean "in the shortest period of time" but the primary definition of "Quickly" is "Fast SPEED".
It is not obvious to me that the two interpretations always dictate the same course.
I am after some thoughts.
Forgive me if this has already been discussed or is just plain stupid :)
I don't think there is any conflict.
I think in most club racing, proper course rules really only apply for the most blatant of luffs because any boat can hand on heart day they think it was quicker to choose to sail higher
Before that def: PC just said "A course a boat would sail ..." and I had the opinion that a lot hung on the "A" in the beginning of the sentence to covey the idea of 'one of possibly many' (a reader would have had to note that it said "A" instead of "The").
I think the exchange of "as soon as" for "as quickly as" is just better grammar with the addition of "sail the course", because STC can be thought of as a continuing action in the moment as well as something a boat does to completion (where "finish"'is a completion-only action).
In that way, "quickly" captures (and I think is a better word-pairing with) the on going nature of the act of "sail the course" more than "soon" (as in ... 'to work quickly to finish soon')
PS: I don't think that "choose" removes the reasonableness-test of the actions of a boat. They can't just cross their heart. They still have to convince a PC (if it came to that) that it was a reasonable choice to STC and finish as quickly as possible.
Two boats can disagree on proper course. The ROW boat is given a fair bit of deference in choosing their own proper course. Note that the case states that the fastest course cannot necessarily known and the fact that one boat gets to the mark faster than another does not invalidate the other's choice. I'm not explaining that fully. The case does a better job.
This case illustrates the fact that two boats on the same leg sailing very near to one another can have different proper courses. Which of two different courses is the faster one to the next mark can not be determined in advance and is not necessarily proven by one boat or the other reaching the next mark ahead."
I agree that "choose" does capture the fact that there can be more than one solution (real or perceived) to the "quickest" way around a course. It also means that RRS17 only really applies to blatant "unreasonable" luffs once an overlap is established, which ultimately means that it is hardly ever applicable to club racing.... which is good (less rules to think about). For anything short of such a blatant luff, I tell my fleet that it is pointless yelling "sail your proper course" to a boat slowly pushing you up, because it is never 17.
I also implore everyone to not try to find obscure or complex interpretations of the words used in the rules. While it's true that the rules are meant to be read literally, they are also meant to be used in context, so the words in those rules should be interpreted in the context in which each rule applies. In other words, within the range of possible literal interpretations, we should take the one that suits best. I personally think that the expression "A course a boat would choose in order to sail the course as quickly as possible" is clear and unambiguous in context. "Course" means the direction or path a boat travels in, "A course ... choose" implies that there may be more than one, "would" means the determination is hypothetical, and (to answer the original question) "quickly" means in the least time possible.
The one issue here barely touched on in this thread is that the rules involving proper course, like all the other rules, are interpreted on a moment-to-moment basis. So the course a boat would take to achieve a certain purpose means the course she would take, given the position she is in at the moment. Take rule 17, for example. The proper course for a reaching leeward overlapped boat is frequently to turn to the rhumbline to the next mark. The fact that, at the moment the rule begins to apply, she is sailing 45 degrees above that rhumbline is irrelevant. The issue is, from that point, what would she choose to do, to sail the course as quickly as she can?
Not only pointless ... but risky (since 17 doesn't covey room to the windward boat) and based on a false notion of PC and understanding of rule 17.
The words people use can be a window into their understanding. So many racers hold the concept in their heads as exemplified by your fleet members' command to another boat, "Sail your proper course!". I think the introduction of "choose" makes some progress in correcting it.
First "sail your proper course!" illustrates the notion that there is single well-defined course (there often isn't). Second it implies there is some rule which requires a boat to sail this course (there isn't).
I spend a lot of time trying to pry-free those 2 ideas.
But given that rule 17 itself says "her proper course", I wouldn't interpret a sailor saying "your proper course" as implying there's only one.
Is there a concise wording you'd suggest?
Yea .. "Protest!" ;-) .. that tends to get someone's attention.