Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Questions on WS CASE BOOK (Case 25)

Martin Rheaume
  • National Judge
  • Club Race Officer
I was reviewing the case yesterday and I am a bit puzzled.... 

Case 25

Within the decision:
IW is not exonerated under rule 21.a as IW was sailing to leeward of, not within, the room to which she was entitled under 16.1.

However later on it says that IW was entitled to room under rule 16.1 and she is exonerated for breaking rule 14.  As it was already established that she was not sailing within the mark-room, why can she be exonerated ?

The only difference that I can make out is that:
Rule 21 clearly indicate that the boat must be sailing within the room. 
Rule 14 indicate that the boat entitled to room (what ever the boat is sailing within the room or not)

Am I missing something here ? Any help in putting a light on it would be appreciated....


Created: 19-Aug-30 14:52


Charles Darley
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Regional Umpire
I know just what you mean.  All I can think is that IW was entitled to room under 16.1, even though she took more room than she was entitled to.  On a literal reading of 14, IW need not act to avoid contact until it is clear that the other boat is not keeping clear.  I wonder if this is what IJ exam questions look like.
Created: 19-Aug-30 15:50
Graham Louth
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Regional Umpire
  • International Judge
  • National Race Officer
I believe you have correctly identified the difference Martin:

To get exoneration under RRS21 you need to be sailing within the room to which you are entitled.

To get exoneration under RRS14(b) you merely need to be entitled to room.
Created: 19-Aug-30 15:50
Graham Louth
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Regional Umpire
  • International Judge
  • National Race Officer
PS Note that IW is only entitled to room in this example because OL is changing course. If OL was approaching the mark from further to leeward and already on a close-hauled course, and she did not change course, then IW would no longer be entitled to room from OL once she had left the mark astern and therefore would not be exonerated under RRS14(b).
Created: 19-Aug-30 15:55
Baptiste Verniest
Nationality: France
  • National Umpire
  • Regional Race Officer
  • International Judge
The exoneration in rule 21 refers to IW breaking rule 11 while sailing in the room to which she is entitled to. As Graham said, that is room she entitled under rule 16.1 because OL luffs. She is not sailing within this room and cannot be exonerated under rule 21 for breaking rule 11.
The exoneration in rule 14 refers to IW or OL breaking rule 14 when entitled to room or being right-of-way. For OL : right-of-way under rule 11, no damage, no injury --> exonerated. For IW : entitled to room under rule 16.1, no damage, no injury --> exonerated. It does not matter whether you are sailing within this room, it just matters that you are entitled to some room. 
Created: 19-Aug-30 16:38
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