Forum: Share your SI/NOR language.

Changing a rule

John Porter
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • Club Race Officer
At the US Sailing best practices forum in Charleston in the spring of 2019, it was expressed that when changing a rule, the best practice is to rewrite the rule with the change incorporated. Also last spring, I took over writing the NOR and SI's for all of our sailing association's events. This practice proved extremely valuable. Lots of changes like, "boat shall blah blah blah. This changes RRS XY.Z." made absolutely no sense when I tried to rewrite the rule with that incorporated.

Unfortunately, this takes up a LOT of space on the page. For instance, setting up a 3 boat starting line, the simple addition of rounding the center boat makes for a lot space.

RRS 30.1 is changed to. “If flag I has been displayed, and any part of a boat’s hull, crew, or equipment is on the course side of the starting line or one of its extensions during the last minute before the starting signal, she shall sail across an extension or around a mid-line boat in place under NOR/SI 15.2.3 or 15.2.4, leaving it to port, before starting.

I received plenty of feedback that while that is proper, it discourages reading of the NOR/SIs because they are too long. I'm looking for some ideas about how to make this change without taking up so much room, but making it proper in the context of the rule. When you add language to the end of the rule, it is easy to say, "Rule 41 is appended with......" in the middle of the rule, it is harder to do something simple. I think the best wording would:

A. Be simple
B. Be understood without opening a rule book
C. Stand up to the test of ,"How did this wording fit into the existing language of the rule?"

Created: 19-Oct-22 01:15


Philip Hubbell
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • Judge In Training
Perhaps go back to your NOR description of the mid-line mark and append "A boat OCS under the I flag of 30.1 may round this mark to port and restart. This changes 30.1."
Except word it as clearly an additional remedy to 30.1!
Created: 19-Oct-22 02:47
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Lots of changes like, "boat shall blah blah blah. This changes RRS XY.Z." made absolutely no sense when I tried to rewrite the rule with that incorporated. ... Unfortunately, this takes up a LOT of space on the page. For instance, setting up a 3 boat starting line, the simple addition of rounding the center boat makes for a lot space.

Even though it’s  long I prefer the entire rule (or the entire sentence within the rule [from J. Christman's later comment]).  What takes longer for the competition?
  1. reading the entire changed rule once, fully in context?
  2. reading only the changed wording, 
    1. grabbing your rule book, 
    2. finding the rule,
    3. reading the rule,
    4. rereading the rule change, and
    5. trying to understand all the implications of the change?

I vote, take the space.  This also ensures the RC has thought through the implementation  and implications of the change. 
Created: 19-Oct-22 03:10
Paul Pascoe
Nationality: Australia
  • International Judge
  • National Race Officer
Hi all,

For our Club SIs that could have changes over the whole year, what we do is to issue the Notice to Competitors, then incorporate the change into the base Sailing Instructions, so that anyone downloading can get a copy of the SIs incorporating all the changes and then at the end of the year, hopefully we have a set of SIs ready to go for the next season with all the updates incorporated.
So what we have on the club website is two lists of documents something like ....
Sailing Instructions:
  • Sailing Instructions incorporating Change to Sailing Instructions #3 - 15/2/2019
  • Sailing Instructions incorporating Change to Sailing Instructions #2 - 15/12/2018
  • Sailing Instructions incorporating Change to Sailing Instructions #1 - 1/11/2018
  • Sailing Instructions issued 1/10/2018   
Notice to Competitors
  • Change to Sailing Instructions #3 - Revised start times
  • Change to Sailing Instructions #2 - Change to mark colours
  • Change to Sailing Instructions #1 - Change to courses

This is obviously not applicable for a weekend regatta but works well for SIs that are changed over the period of a full year.


Created: 19-Oct-22 03:15
Phil Mostyn
  • National Judge
Hi John,
Maybe you would like to play around with something like the following:

When RRS 30.1 Round-an-End Rule is in effect, boats subject to this rule shall thereafter either: 
(1)  Sail from the course side across an extension of the starting line beyond either the port or starboard end of the line to the pre-start side before starting, 
(2)  Round the midline starting mark B to port before starting. Amends RRS 30.1

Created: 19-Oct-22 05:57
John Christman
  • International Umpire
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Judge
I too prefer including the entire changed rule or saying something like "the second sentence of RRS X.Y is replaced with ....".  This goes a long way in reducing any ambiguity with what the words of the rule actually are and helps the sailors and PC know what the rule actually is.  "This changes RRS X.Y" tells you something about the rule has changed but not exactly how it was changed.
Created: 19-Oct-22 16:07
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