Forum: Event Management System (Q's, Comments & Suggestions)

New Protest Decision Summary

Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
For those of you who just can't help but print and post more paper, I've added a Protest Decision Summary to the Decisions page. I still encourage you not to print it and instead rely on the Public Pages of to supply information to the competitors, but if you just can't seem to stop printing and posting paper, you'll find the link at the top of the decisions page.
Created: 17-Sep-27 15:39


Michael Turner
Nationality: Canada
  • International Judge
Thanks Paul, that's a nice feature to have access to.

Created: 17-Sep-27 17:19
Paul Pascoe
Nationality: Australia
  • International Judge
  • National Race Officer

What I found useful was a summary of "Any protest that is open or changed in the last 24 hours".

When you get to a big event with 100+ protests, the summaries get rather long, and this shortened version is quite popular.

And 100% agree on not printing. At Sail Melbourne, we just have two screens in the results window - one with protest cutoff times that gets automatically populated when the last race of the day is added, and another with the protest schedule/summary.
Created: 17-Sep-27 23:03
Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
Great suggestion.  I added some sort and filter functionality to the decisions page, one of which is to sort by Recent, which is the last updated date...  Very useful...
Created: 17-Sep-29 18:24
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