I've highlighted what is added in bold so it's easy to see.
- Approach #1: Change A5.1 to allow DSQ w/o a hearing ...
SI #.# The first sentence of RRS A5.1 is replaced by:
A boat that did not start, sail the course or finish or comply with rule 30.2 , 30.3 , 30.4, 75.1 or 78.2, or is subject to action under 76.1, or that retires or takes a penalty under rule 44.3 (a), shall be scored accordingly by the race committee without a hearing.
(Optional) SI #.# The following scoring abbreviation is added to RRS A10: NOE Disqualification due to lack of entry (under RRS 75.1 or RRS 76.1 action)
or alternate form of Approach #1...
SI #.# A boat that does not comply with RRS 75.1, or is subject to actions under RRS 76.1, shall be scored accordingly by the race committee without a hearing. This changes RRS A5.1 [and RRS A10].
[ (optional) using the scoring abbv: NOE = Disqualification due to lack of entry (under RRS 75.1 or RRS 76.1 action). ]
- Approach 2: Change A4 instead of A5.1 (this provides RC ability to simply not score non-entered boats).
SI #.# The first sentence of RRS A4 is replaced by:
Each boat entered in the event, starting and finishing and not thereafter retiring, being penalized or given redress shall be scored points as follows:
or alternate form of Approach #2...
SI #.# A boat lacking an entry under RRS's 75.1 or 76.1 will not be scored. This changes RRS A4.
Reason for SI:RRS A4 requires, "Each boat
starting and
finishing and not thereafter retiring, being penalized or given redress shall be scored points ..".
starting or
finishing reference the entry status of a boat, therefore it's unclear that RC's can DSQ non-entered boats that start and finish without a hearing, unless the entry issue falls within RRS 78.2 (lack of "valid certificate").
The addition is this simple SI mod to A5.1 (and optional A10 abbv) allows RC's to DSQ boats that are not entered, and whose entries are incomplete or rejected via RRS 76.1. RC's on the water must still record the finishes of those not entered. A boat could R4R if they believed the RC was in error and have finish places restored if entry is proven.
This basically codifies what RC's are already doing in practice .. but dots the i's and crosses the t's.
Related RRoS thread:
Enter the Zombies?
i agree
- because boats should know who's their opponents, and their score cannot change at the end of the event (and that happened to a friend of mine in Spain; after 9 races, he was 2nd, but then 2 boats were taken out of the score, because duly registered, but never started and never paid the fee; 2 points less to the DSQs, that included his main opponent, and he lost the podium. Rather unfair. Those 2 boats has been scored DNC for 8 races, then disappeared.)
- because I believe if a boat races, she is under the RRS, and if she breaks a rule, shall be penalized accordingly (w or /o hearing). Not complying with 75.1 is just that: breaking a rule.
- because if RRS 78.2 already takes care of something very similar ( fail to present a valid certificate = boat is IN the event, but then DSQ) so same concept can be applied to other faults
- because if a boat should not be in the event, she must be denied the entry before the first race (RRS 76.1). If she has been warned, and she's racing anyway, she is IN, but then RRS 2 and possibly 69, to be presented to her Club for any deemed actions. If not warned, by OA mistake, the boat is IN, and she can be protested for RRS 75; I would exclude RRS 2 and 69. And I would not DSQ without a hearing.
well, i might not be right, but that's how i'd act, if it happen to me, as PC
The above SI’s applies to A5.1. It’s purpose is to allow RC’s to DSQ boats that are not entered without the need for a hearing .... which is what most of them are probably doing now anyway.
Like I said, YC’s are functioning now as if the rules said what this SI allows. This is just putting those words in place.
His YC had COVID contact tracing documentation requirements as part of entry. Though this might seem “ancillary” to the core functions of sailing and racing to a competitor (and therefore might come out and race though their entry is deficient thinking the requirement is trivial), if the RC has added this as an entry requirement ... that boat is not entered if it is not done.
Now this boat comes out and starts and finishes. A4 says she must be scored. If the SI’s required this doc before racing, the boat can’t sheepishly cure this after the race. Now the RC wants to DSQ this scored boat without a hearing. That’s what this SI allows.
That question is what I was getting at in Facts 3 of the Zombie thread here:
My point is only that it is a simple SI which codifies that RC action in the rules. Since I started this thread, I added an option to simply modify A4 as an alternate (maybe more simple) approach (above in OP).
"A boat lacking an entry under RRS's 75.1 or 76.1 will not be scored. This changes RRS A4."
To be registered and scored in the event each boat owner must complete all registration steps and pay all fees on-line on the regatta website.
"To be
registered[entered] and scored in the event each boat owner must complete all registration steps and pay all fees on-line on the regatta website."re: "registration" in the first use ..
oh .. OK .. I thought it might have been a typo that's why I asked. FWIW, using "entered" in the first use might be tighter as "enter" is the term used in RRS 75.1.
I still think the best solution to this is for the OA to keep "entry" requirements to a minimum (sign up and pay fee). Any other requirements regarding measurement, contact tracing (hopefully that will become irrelevant soon) or anything else can be required by the NOR or SI and thus sanctionable either with or without a hearing.
I'd say that the recourse against a racing boat that doesn't enter but comes out and sails around the racing area anyway interfering with racing boats would be a rule 69 report for a breach of good manners and sportsmanship.