Forum: Event Management System (Q's, Comments & Suggestions)

Unrestricted Access to Protest Form

Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
After multiple inquiries as to the necessity to Sign In on in order to file a protest, I have removed that restriction. And because of the limitations of Captcha and/or a keyword approval process, they are not implemented on the form. Thus, when a competitor clicks on the File a Protest link, they will no longer be taken to the Sign In page if they are not signed in. Instead, they will be able to submit a protest on your event without any authentication. However, the link is only active while an Event is listed as Active (see the Event Edit page). Thus, the link to your event should be available for only a limited period of time if after your event you change it to Archive. Hopefully the bots won't find the protest form for your event in that short period of time.

I would appreciate feedback from your experience with this change. If you find you are getting protests submitted that are either spam or fake, please let me know. Hopefully this will be a moving target for the bots and we won't have a problem...

By the way, if you have questions about how to use the Event Panel, there is some information here.
Created: 17-Oct-18 17:37


Bruno De Wannemaeker
Nationality: Belgium
  • International Measurer
  • International Judge
  • International Race Officer
Good idea, we had similar questions in Italy 2 weeks ago !
Created: 17-Oct-19 06:06
Niall McLeod
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • International Umpire
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
  • International Judge

I've noticed that this means anyone can go in and file a protest as any competitor. When you select the protestor this populates the email address and phone number fields. Whilst as a competitor I'd be happy to receive automated emails or texts about protests I wouldn't necessarily want that information to be available to anyone.


Is there a way of hiding those fields?

Created: 19-Jan-18 18:51
Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge

Good point Niall.  We want the competitor to be able to provide their email and telephone if it is not already in the competitor list, but we shouldn't make it public if it is.  So perhaps the solution is to obfuscate both.  The first two letters and  domain name for email (e.g.; and the last four numbers of the telepone (e.g.; ....5478).  Then the compeititor can correct or change it, if necessary, but it is not a valid address or telephone number otherwise.

Created: 19-Jan-18 18:59
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