Forum: Share your SI/NOR language.

NOR & SI's for Team Racing Event

J. Conal (Con) Lancaster
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • Club Judge
I have created or reviewed numerous NOR's and SI's for fleet racing, one design and Offshore, but I am not familiar with what is required for a team racing event. Appendix J is very clear but I can't find any examples or templates to guide me for a team race regatta. Do I state Appendix D is in effect under section 1 of the NOR, or is that automatic per J1.1(2)?  Where do I make modifications to Umpired events or non-umpired events or  a "hybrid" event? If someone could send me a link to a proper team racing NOR and subsequent SI I would appreciate the help. Thank you.
Con Lancaster  
Created: 21-Mar-04 12:13


Paul Miller
Nationality: Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Start with the British Universities Sailing Association’s excellent model NoR and SI found at
Created: 21-Mar-04 12:53
Rick Myers
  • National Umpire
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Judge
The Team Race Umpire manual would be a great place to start. It’s available in the US Sailing site.   The NOR for the Hinman is up on the US Sailing site.  That would be a good example.  Also, you could look at NYYC’s site for their NOR preferences.  
Created: 21-Mar-04 12:55
Greg Eaton
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • International Umpire
  • National Judge
another good site for all things team racing refernce docs is the UK Team racing site at
However I don't think their standard sailing instructions (or BUSA's which are broadly the same) have been updated for 2021 yet. 

I would refer you to the team race umpires manual 2021 version section 12.1 as that explains how to close the NSC loophole with wording along these lines 'Add as 2nd sentence in RRS D3.1(b): When a boat is scored NSC for not sailing the course, 6 points shall be added to her score; this changes RRS A5.2.

Created: 21-Mar-04 14:50
Kim Kymlicka
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Here is a link to the 2019 Baldwin Cup at NHYC (CA)  NoR. You will need to make few changes to fit the 2021 rules, but it could be a start.
Once on the NHYC site, you can check other Team racing documents from the past.

Created: 21-Mar-05 03:58
J. Conal (Con) Lancaster
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • Club Judge
Thank you everyone. This gives me a place to start. Now I have to learn the format jargon. Where are they listed? What's "Swiss League"? Thanks,
Created: 21-Mar-05 05:30
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