Note: This forum is not affiliated with World Sailing and comments on this forum do not represent an official interpretation of the rules, definitions, cases or regulations. The only official interpretations are those of World Sailing.
Protest Principles & Strategies
Dave Perry
Nationality: United States
National Judge
The Daves are running a series doing a deep dive into the rules of Part 5. It is everything you always wanted to know about protests, penalties, hearings, redress and more. It is a four part series occurring on the four Mondays in May from 7:30 to 9:00 EDT. Register for the Series!
Created: 21-Apr-22 17:03
Michele Sorrenti
Nationality: Italy
National Judge
Umpire In Training
National Race Officer
Iniziativa interessante. Peccato che non possa parteciparvi non conoscendo l'inglese. Cordiali saluti
Cordiali saluti