Forum: Training Announcements and Opportunities

Protest Principles & Strategies

Dave Perry
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
Protest Principles & Strategies

The Daves are running a series doing a deep dive into the rules of Part 5. It is everything you always wanted to know about protests, penalties, hearings, redress and more.  It is a four part series occurring on the four Mondays in May from 7:30 to 9:00 EDT.  Register for the Series!
Created: 21-Apr-22 17:03


Michele Sorrenti
Nationality: Italy
  • National Judge
  • Umpire In Training
  • National Race Officer
Iniziativa interessante. Peccato che non possa parteciparvi non conoscendo l'inglese.
Cordiali saluti
Created: 21-Apr-23 09:34
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