Forum: Event Management System

Reopening by PC

Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
  • Club Judge
  • Judge In Training

Once again, I ask a question which may have a simple answer.. Apologies if that's the case.


PC needed to 'Reopen Hearing #2' per RRS 66.

In the event management, the only way I could do that (and record the reopening) was to create a new hearing request No. 6, mark it as 'reopening by PC', and complete a decision for that as if it were a whole new hearing.  Yet, I could not find a good way of linking that hearing to the original hearing and decision #2.

As a consequence the original hearing decision did not reflect or indicate the changed decision made 3 hearing-requests later.  Subsequently, some competitors were confused reading the results pages.

Should I have:

a) Gone into the original hearing decision editor and marked-up that one?

Possibly by marking in the decision "REOPENED BY PC I.A.W. RRS 66. SEE HEARING No.6".  Then I would need to record the original decision in the facts found for Hearing 6.

b) Somehow linked the 'reopened' hearing request/decision to the original one in some other way?

Created: 21-May-24 23:35


Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
I think people handle this issue in various ways.  I tend to prefer opening a new decision to record the reopening.  Then you can properly record the hearing on reopening and preserve the previous decision.  But there is no link generated within the application to the original decision, so I tend to indicate in the procedural issues of the reopening that it is a reopening and identify the number of the previous related decision.  And to complete the link, open the prior decision and indicate (in the decision area for that decision) that the reopening replaces the decision.  Thus the previous decision will indicate that it is no longer valid and which decision replaces it.  This technique preserves the previous decision and forwards the reader to the decision on reopening.
Created: 21-May-24 23:43
Capt Tribhuwan Jaiswal
  • International Judge
  • National Race Officer
I think Paul you have summed it up very well. My thoughts too on similar lines.
Created: 21-May-25 03:08
Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
  • Club Judge
  • Judge In Training

Thanks for that quick response.  That method works fine.

I guess I was wondering if I was missing any 'automatic' linking within the system, but adjusting the decision box (as you describe/as I expected) works perfectly well.

Created: 21-May-25 03:22
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