Forum: Rule 18 and Room at the Mark

Newbie question: Canada vs Spain

Jeff Williams
So I thought I understood 'room to round' until I watched this clip.
Perhaps the clip doesn't show enough context. It appears to me that Spain has overlap and is entitled to room to round, which Canada clearly denied. 
Did Canada enter the zone before Spain gained overlap, therefore negating Canada's obligation to leave room?
Created: 23-Nov-04 03:37


Benjamin Harding
  • National Judge
  • Club Judge
  • Judge In Training
For mark-room it is almost (99%) ALWAYS a necessary to have evidence of the state of the boats when the first enters the mark.  Making any conclusions without that information is quite tricky.  Your clip misses the crucial moment!


"Elsewhere, the rumbling feud between Spain and Canada - ignited by a collision in Saint-Tropez - was revived in Cadiz. Approaching the right turn on starboard, Canada had the right of way. But indecision by the Spanish on which way to turn to give Canada room saw them end up between Canada and the mark - with the Spanish F50 hitting the mark in efforts to avoid hitting Canada.

While hitting a mark in itself doesn’t result in a penalty, Diego Botin’s team was penalized on the water for preventing Canada from sailing their fastest course around the mark and also received 4 penalty points for causing minor damage to their F50. “This was a big error and hurt their event score badly, without which they would have finished the event 5th, one place ahead of Canada,” Mitchell said."

Another couple of perspectives show what happened.

Hope that helps.
Created: 23-Nov-04 04:10
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