Forum: Protest Committee & Hearing Procedures

Protest hearing between committee and minor

Pia Gia
Hi all, 
Wanted to inquire if there are any new regulations, rules, encouraged behavior for when a jury protests a child (optimist regata) girl or boy.  Does the child enter alone with all male jury?  Is this considered the norm? Should the committee require an adult in listening capacity only also enter protest room with child?

Created: 24-May-20 00:43


Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Pia .. I think this will be based on the cultural norms and laws of the region. In the US, "SafeSport" dictates that single adults should not be alone with a single child (where they cannot be easily observed).  In the USA, 3 adults in a room with a child would comply with Safesport's guidelines. 
Created: 24-May-20 10:21
Ant Davey
  • National Judge
  • International Judge
  • Umpire In Training
It also varies with the individual. We always offered the opportunity to have an observer in the room if it helped the parties to the hearing. Some young young people preferred not to have a parent or coach in the room while they were recounting what happened 'out there'.
Created: 24-May-20 10:24
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Ant, in the context of being an IJ where you may be invited to judge an event in regions with different laws and customs than the UK, how have you navigated that?

Have you ever been required to take additional training as a condition for judging a youth event in another country?
Created: 24-May-20 10:34
Ant Davey
  • National Judge
  • International Judge
  • Umpire In Training
Ang, as an IJ I have only been to youth events (Oppie Europeans and events up to youth (19 yrs)) in Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland). We have always had a mixed jury, and I've not come across any significantly different cultures or expectations as yet. Nor have I had to have any special training to attend those events. I did have to have a police background check when I started working with the Oppies in GBR. That was a condition imposed by the RYA under its safeguarding policy.
We would always ask if a child had been in a hearing before, and if not, explain the process before starting that process. The aim, obviously, being to make the children as comfortable as possible in what they might otherwise see as a daunting experience.
Created: 24-May-20 12:16
Nigel Vick
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Our National Authority in the UK have just introduced a requirement for all Race Officials renewing their certificates to complete an on-line safeguarding course. I don't think it changes anything Ant has said all of which is good practice. The course might explain how we deal with the situation when the child does not want anyone present and the adult insists they must be present. 
Created: 24-May-20 15:45
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Nigel, in the US SafeSport is an online course as well.  Every 4 years there is a "big" course ... which is a longer time commitment and covers all topics ... then each year we are required to take shorter "refreshers". 

Sounds like it might be very similar. 
Created: 24-May-20 18:42
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