Forum: Protest Hearing Procedures

How can race officials ensure they remain impartial during protests?

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Spencer Roberson
  • Fleet Measurer
  • Measurer in Training
  • National Umpire
  • Club Judge
Race officials play a crucial role in ensuring fair competition and upholding the integrity of racing events. To maintain impartiality during protests, officials can implement several practices:
  1. Establish Clear Guidelines: Develop and communicate clear guidelines and procedures for handling protests. Make these protocols readily available to all participants to ensure transparency and understanding.
  2. Training and Education Tunnel Rush: Provide comprehensive training to race officials on conflict of interest issues and the importance of impartiality. Ensure officials understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining fairness.
  3. Recusal Policies: Implement recusal policies that allow officials to step aside from decision-making processes if they have a personal interest in the outcome of a protest. Encourage officials to disclose any conflicts of interest promptly.
Created: 24-Sep-16 02:39


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