In the US, we've had the "Alternate Penalties" of the US-specific Appendix V or a predecessor since 2013. But I'm not seeing appendix V in the 2025-2028 US Sailing Prescriptions.
Anyone have backstory on what drove the decision to omit, or if that was an accident and they'll be back in a revision?
Background for those not in the US:
In the 2021-2024 quad, US Sailing's prescriptions give race-document writers an easy option to to specify
V1: a one-turn penalty for breaking a rule of part 2 or rule 31 while racing, if the boat may have broken one of those rules outside of the zone.
V2: a post-race scoring penalty of 30%
In the 2017-2021 quad
* same
In the 2013-2016 quad
* Appendix T1 had a one-turn penalty identical to the current V1
* Appendix T2 had a 20% scoring penalty after the race before the protest time limit, and 30% afterward
In the 2009-2012 quad
* No alternate penalties in a prescription.
I agree .. Appx V is VERY often used. I'd even say that's true in the majority of race-docs that I review or sail under.
Clark Chapin
Note the new preamble to V2.
Have you seen any US Sailing prescriptions yet? The intel I have from an email (and posted here) is that they will publish final documents in December. I assume V1 will be a part of that, as will changes to U flag and black flag which accommodate the new obstruction rule.See my second comment and also the below:The confusion and delay in posting the rules to me is a HUGE issue and a big error on the part of World & US Sailing. Our frostbiting group has already decided to continue to use the old rules for the rest of the winter season because we know rule changes won't be finalized, and rule books won't be out until way too late to make sure everyone is up to date.
Appendix V is still there.
These are not impacted by the issues at World Sailing.
See the note regarding the delay in the new rules.
V2 (a) states: "a boat that may have broken one or more rules of Part 2 or rule 31 in an incident may take a Post-Race Penalty at any time after the race until the beginning of a protest hearing involving the incident."
Is it still your position (maybe fortified by the new preamble) that:
If the answer to the above is "yes", what if the protestor protests on the water .. the protestee boat accepts a V2 penalty before the PTL, but the protesting boat never files the paperwork?
Like I've mentioned before .. at least in my experience .. this upends how V2 has been applied.
The Racing Rules of Sailing for 2025-2028 are published and available on the World Sailing website. RRS-2025-2028-Final.pdf
The US Sailing prescriptions to The Racing Rules of Sailing for 2025-2028 are published and available on the US Sailing website. US-Sailing-Prescriptions-for-2025-2028-10.29.2024.pdf
The issue with the World Sailing RRS will be resolved in Singapore next week.
The following is my understanding of the World Sailing RRS issue. When World Sailing changed the definition of obstruction, they inadvertently made a starting line an obstruction when rule 30.2, rule 30.3 or rule 30.4 is in effect. Next week they will approve a change to the wording so that the starting line is not an obstruction.
Obstruction (d) is an area or line in a rule that boats are prohibited from entering or crossing. The wording of rules 30.2/3/4 is:
It's fine to have errors, but address them quickly! Get information about changes into peoples' hands. Give me an official final copy of the full US Sailing rule book to point people to when they ask. There is no reason to have delayed addressing the minor issues that were found, it's only going to make racing in the new year more difficult!
TLDR, the roll-out has been botched. Finding the rule-book should take less digging.