Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

New 2025 RRS 78.1 might have unintended consequences

Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
A while back I started a thread exploring if a CR could define turns penalties for breaking an OTW behavior Class Rule.  For instance, being able to do a 1-turn penalty or scoring penalty for extending your bowsprit too early (against the J105 CR). 

The new 78.1 makes it clear that the possibility of having such penalties defined in the CR's is fine. 

Here is the new 78.1 ...


While a boat is racing, her owner and any other person in charge shall ensure that the boat is maintained to comply with her class rules and that her measurement or rating certificate, if any, remains valid. In addition, the boat shall also comply at other times specified in the class rules, the notice of race or the sailing instructions. When a rule provides that the penalty for a breach of a class rule may be less than disqualification, the same penalty will apply to a breach of this rule.

But how the above is worded might create a possible problem.  For example, let's look at the J105 fleet, which I belong to. 

In the J105 CRs we have limits on where the helmsman can sit and when the sprit can be extended.  A boat may take a 1-turn penalty on the water for a breach of these rules. 

  • the J105 CR's are a rule - check
  • the rule provides for a penalty less than DSQ for a breach of a CR - check

So now if a J105 breaks 78.1, and they take a 1-turn penalty, they have taken an appropriate penalty and can not be penalized further?

I've read the new 78.1 several times over and I think that is what it says. 
Created: Mon 21:53


Tim OConnell
Nationality: Canada
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It does leave some ambiguity. Suppose the CR says a 1 turn penalty for breaking the sprit extension rule , and the SI's say 2 turns for breaking a rule in the zone... which rule takes precedence?
Created: Mon 22:25
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
My concern is that .. let's say that the CR's have a series of penalties defined that are less than DSQ.   Here is a simple one.

CR #.#  The driver's torso shall remain behind the traveler while racing.  The penalty for a breach of this rule is a scoring penalty of 10%.  A boat may take a 1-turn penalty in accordance with RRS 44.2 when she may have broken this rule .

Now, let's say a boat is 300 lbs light of her weight certificate .. in a 3,000 lb boat.

The boat is protested and it comes to a hearing.  The weight deficit is verified. 

So the penalty for being underweight is now limited to 10%??? ...  because ".. a rule provides that the penalty for a breach of a class rule may be less than disqualification"?

This doesn't make sense to me.  I'm not sure what they were trying to say here.
Created: Mon 23:33
Jim Champ
Nationality: United Kingdom
It's interesting in the light of the opinion I got from the RYA some years ago, that a boat that does not measure as an XX is de facto no longer an XX and not subject to class rules (but also may no longer be eligible to compete in the race). Things that are actions, like your crew and pole position examples, may be broken multiple times in a race and require a separate penalty for each breach, and the boat still measures. But if, for example, one sails with too many or too few crew, is a single turn taken at the finishing line correct? 
Created: Mon 23:40
Jim Champ
Nationality: United Kingdom
I think your weight deficit example would be a clear RRS2 breach, and 78.1 would be beside the point, and I suspect many more major class rule breaches would reach the same bar. There's also 44.1b in the mix. Would that be enough to protect competition do you think? 
Created: Mon 23:50
Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
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It looks fine to me., but I can see how a confusion may happen.

You are saying that, according to the wording, because CR says 1-turn for extending the pole early, then a breach of any other class rule (78.1) is also 1-turn?

I don't think so.

Apologies.. I have deleted some of this post since it is misleading and barks down the wrong rabbit hole!
Created: Yesterday 00:27
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Ben ... but that's not what the new 78.1 says.  

It says what it says ... and it says if there is a  less than DSQ for breaking "a" class rule, then that penalty will be applied to "this" rule .. which is a rule requiring a boat to abide  by the her "measurement certificate". 

I think the wording is VERY confusing. 
Created: Yesterday 01:36
Mark Townsend
Nationality: United States
  • International Race Officer
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Class rules may change only racing rules 42, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 78.2.

Which rule is extending a bowsprit too early changing?
Created: Yesterday 12:28
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Mark re: "Which rule is extending a bowsprit too early changing?"

It's not changing a rule.  Your response has me thinking that one of us may be missing the point.  I'll write my response assuming that it's you ... and maybe you can do me a favor on the flip-side and write a response that assumes that it is I who is missing it.

My concern is the new language added to 78.1

I'll repeat it here for convenience.  The new sentence is bolded for added emphasis.


While a boat is racing, her owner and any other person in charge shall ensure that the boat is maintained to comply with her class rules and that her measurement or rating certificate, if any, remains valid. In addition, the boat shall also comply at other times specified in the class rules, the notice of race or the sailing instructions. When a rule provides that the penalty for a breach of a class rule may be less than disqualification, the same penalty will apply to a breach of this rule.

"This rule" in the new sentence is rule 78.1, which states the owner shall ensure the boat is in compliance with her CR's, measurements and/or rating cert.

The new sentence states that if "a rule" (CR's are "a rule") provides the penalty for a breach of "a class rule" may be less than disqualification, then the same penalty applies to breaking 78.1.

In my CR example, I show a rule (the CR)  providing for less than DSQ for breaking "a class rule". Following the new wording in 78.1, that then defines the penalty for breaking 78.1 ("this rule"). 
Created: Yesterday 12:44
Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
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  • Club Judge
  • Judge In Training

I first apologise for my previous post.

Mark's comment got me thinking about this differently - not sure if this is what he means, but it helped me see this more clearly.

What about this?

When a rule (such as an NOR or SI but not the class rule being discussed) provides that the penalty for a breach of a class rule may be less than the standard 60.5(c) penalty of disqualification (for example by marking that class rule as [DP]), the same penalty that is given to a boat as provided for will also apply if necessary to a breach of this rule (which would automatically be the case if the class rule broken is a rule concerning maintenance to comply with her class rules or the validity of her measurement or rating certificate).

(The additions of course are for explanatory purpose around the original wording, rather than trying to be minimalist rule-speak.)

I think the above incorporates the original wording verbatim and also grammatically and logically.

So, it does just needs to be read with the correct perspective when reading that word 'a' and a little context as provided by Submission 035-23.

It makes sense to me now.

Hope that helps.
Created: Today 02:33
Jim Champ
Nationality: United Kingdom
How often do RRS78 penalties come up in practice, especially in isolation? It seems to me the intent of the change is that if the CR offers a lesser penalty for a breach then the boat should not be DSQ under 78, which is reasonable.

 Angelo, am I right in thinking you're considering the reverse situation, where if a boat breaks a CR that does not have a lesser penalty, this wording of 78 suggests that because there is a lesser penalty for some CR breaches, the lesser penalty applies whenever a class rule is broken? 

It seems to me, though, given your example, the boat has broken CR, for which there is no lesser penalty, and RRS78, for which there is a lesser penalty. I can see a reading of 78 saying that her turn is sufficient for the breach of 78, but I don't see that means it covers breaking the CR. It seems to me the turn is not an applicable penalty for the CR breach, even if it's considered to cover RRS78. 
Created: Today 06:23
Aslan Ozcakir
Nationality: Türkiye
  • National Judge
  • National Race Officer
here are my two cents,

To clarify, Angelo suggests that if a Class Rule (CR) specifies a penalty for a breach that is less severe than disqualification (DSQ)—for instance, in the J105 class where an early bowsprit extension incurs a one-turn penalty—then violating RRS 78.1 due to non-compliance with the measurement certificate should also result in a one-turn penalty.  [@Angelo please let me know if I understood you correctly]

If this interpretation of the new rule is accurate then YES we have a problem.
Created: Today 08:26
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