Forum: Race Committee & Race Management

Drifting Buoy

John Anderson
  • Regional Race Officer
  • Club Race Officer
In a recent National Titles event one of the windward marks on a trapezoid course became detached from its weight and drifted downwind. The course setters, driven by a desire not to disadvantage any competitors sailing towards that mark, had to wait a long time before the 'course was clear' and a new weight could be attached and the buoy re-positioned. Essentially the buoy drifted downwind shortening the leg but not altering its windward direction by much. Several people have made suggestions:
=> we should have moved mark anyway, without waiting, when it was clear to competitors that it had moved and what we were doing.
=> the race should have been abandoned
=> A boat with and "M" flag and continuous sound signals should have been used as a replacement buoy, without waiting for the course to be cleared. Technically the buoy was not missing but had drifted => should the drifting buoy have been picked up to avoid confusion??
Created: 25-Feb-04 04:15


John Allan
  • National Race Officer
  • National Judge
It depends?

As the mark drifted downwind, the leg got shorter and shorter and boats coming from behind gained more and more. If it was only drifting very slowly this might not have been significant.
RRS 34  requires to race committee to remove or replace the mark in it's correct position if possible.

I think that, if it was possible in the existing conditions, the mark vessel should have gone in, picked up the mark, manoeuvered into the correct position, holding station with motor if necessary and displayed flag M with repetitive sound signals, even if this interfered with some boats.

Any boats whose scores were made worse could be given redress.

Alternatively, if the mark was only drifting slowly and it was apparent that no boat was gaining any significant improvement in her placing as a result of the leg getting shorter and shorter, and maybe if a large proportion of the fleet had already passed the mark, it could be left alone, the mark vessel could have recorded mark-roundings, and the RO could have ensured that the mark vessel at the next mark also recorded mark-roundings, compared the two records and considered requesting redress for boats whose scores had worsened.
Created: 25-Feb-04 05:33
John Christman
  • International Umpire
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Judge
Any of these are viable options depending on the situation.  Questions that will affect the answer include:

  • Had any competitors already rounded the mark?
  • How close to the mark were the competitors?
  • How far did the mark actually drift?

Created: 25-Feb-04 05:52
John Anderson
  • Regional Race Officer
  • Club Race Officer
To John Christman
=> No RS Aero competitors had rounded the mark in very light conditions with a leg length of 800 m for the reach.
=> The competitors were about 1/4 the way down the reach when the first opportunity to move the mark arose.
=> The mark was drifting slowly in the light conditions and was about 100 m directly downwind of its correct position at the upwind end of  the outer windward leg of the trapezoid, when the course boat was in position to move it, or to use the 'M' flag and move it back to its correct position. The course boat may have incorrectly applied the guidance for change of course, i.e. not moving the mark when any yacht is on the leg approaching it to avoid disadvantaging any yacht.
Created: 25-Feb-04 06:10
John Anderson
  • Regional Race Officer
  • Club Race Officer
Upon reflection on the rule
If a mark is missing or out of position while boats are racing, the race committee shall, if possible,
(a) move it to its correct position or replace it with a new one of similar appearance, or
(b) replace it with an object displaying flag M and make repetitive sounds.
A simple interpretation would be as follows ;
1. If the mark is still functional => move it back to the correct position, as soon as possible, perhaps towing it upright well behind a course boat, so it is clear what is being done
2. If it is missing, or has drifted far away, perhaps sunk or disabled, replace it with a new one of similar appearance in its correct original position
3. If the original mark or a replacement, is not available replace it with an object displaying flag M and make repetitive sounds.
Each of these has the same effect on yachts already on the leg(s) to the mark
Perhaps acting as soon as possible minimizes the overall disadvantage, as the further it drifts the more yachts are affected. 
Perhaps 3 provides a clearer direction to competitors of what has happened and its solution.
Created: 25-Feb-04 06:51
John Allan
  • National Race Officer
  • National Judge
John Anderson, I think you may be overthinking this.

As I understand your later description, boats were about 400m from the mark when the mark vessel was in position to replace it.

RRS 34 tells us what should be done.  It says nothing about making clear to or providing direction to boats, or even not interfering with boats.

Repositioning or replacing a mark in accordance with RRS 34  is not changing a leg of the course as covered by RRS 33.
Created: 25-Feb-04 11:36
Craig Priniski
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
This is always a RC "Kobashi Maru" (No win scenario).  I agree the rules state to place the mark back in position if possible, so if a mark boat has time to fetch the mark and move it back, that's the best-case scenario. If not, you hope someone packed flag "M" on that boat as they become the mark. If another boat is available they can get the mark out of the water and back to its position.  Unless you get the mark set before the first boats round be prepared for a raft of redress requests. In a local series event we had this happen as boats rounded and no one had flag "M"  Each boat that rounded had sailed a shorter leg then those prior, so it was a mess.  
Created: 25-Feb-04 12:02
Matt Bounds
  • International Race Officer
  • National Judge
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the "nuclear option" - abandon the race.

Of course it goes back to the "it depends" answer that John Allan gave.  Every situation is different.

Oh, and I give competitors a 50/50 change of knowing what an "M" flag looks like, much less what it means.  In 20 years of doing this, I've seen it work exactly twice.
Created: 25-Feb-04 14:26
Niko Kotsatos
  • Judge In Training
I think others have covered the "it depends" options pretty well. I would add a couple personal thoughts on using the M flag, as I agree with Matt B on the 50/50 nature of the beast:

Personally, I would only want to use the M-flag under certain conditions, where sailors would not be confused between a still-visible mark and the boat with the M-flag:
  • mark is truly missing (sank, punctured)
  • mark is on board boat displaying m-flag
  • there's probably other conditions, but you get the point

In the situation described, I would have been aiming for one of the following outcomes:
  1. ideal: put the mark on/next to the mark-boat, and display the m-flag... This requires some skill from the mark-boat driver.
    1. if sailboats have just started, I might ask the mark-boat to return near the original position.
    2. if sailboats are on layline, I would likely ask mark-boat to hold position after picking up the mark (while displaying M). This would avoid playing "king-maker"
    3. alternatively, drop a new mark in the original location and simultaneously pick up the old one... avoids the "moving target" of a moving M-flag boat.
  2. second option: let the mark drift slowly, and monitor for unfair situations while recording roundings as previously suggested
  3. abandon race if it looks totally unfair.

I personally would NOT want to use the M flag in the following conditions:
  • mark is in unsafe waters (abandon immediately to avoid danger)
  • mark is still visible/on-course/drifting and I expect some/many sailors will round that mark, while others will round the mark-missing boat... would likely eventually end with the race being abandoned after much protest/redress difficulty.
Created: 25-Feb-04 16:23
Philip Hubbell
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • Judge In Training
The mark would have to be drifting REALLY, REALLY FAST - and a large gap between any two boats - for the shorter sailing distance to make a significant change in the relative positions of the boats.
Let it drift till all the boats are around.
Created: 25-Feb-04 19:55
Robert Lee
Nationality: United States
  • Judge In Training
I have been in two races where a boat ahead of me has hooked a mark anchor line and begun dragging the mark... Just how far do you chase the mark to try and round it. I don't recall outcome, but it did make for good post race banter.
Created: 25-Feb-06 00:13
Niko Kotsatos
  • Judge In Training
Robert, I've also been in that situation. My understanding is that you must round the mark regardless. I suppose you could ask for redress?
</s> The solution is to be in front of all the other boats! </s>
Created: 25-Feb-06 16:35
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