The SIs guide says this:
"A boat scored TLE shall be scored points for the finishing place [one][two] more than the points scored by the last boat that finished within the Finishing Window."
That's simple enough. My question is whether OCS boats who meet the requirements in the definition of "finish" and finished within the Finishing Window should be counted when allocating points for boats that are TLE.
It seems to be common sense that you have to start in order to finish, but nowhere in the definition of "finish" does it state that you have to start properly.
Thanks for considering.
Tom O'Conor
'finish'' should probably be replaced with 'sailed the course and finished'.
The TLE's get 6. The DNC's get 11.
The TLE's get 6. The DNC's get 11. "
Add, only if A5.3 is invoked by the NOR or Sis.
Yea ... that's one way. Very often I see SI's where they skip A5.3 and roll their own custom one.
In answer to David Nieman: "A boat that is OCS has not met the definition of Start."
Craig Priniski: "You wouldn't be scored finished or TLE if you were OCS. You can only finish after starting... "
Though common sense indicates that you cannot "finish" without "starting", the definition of "finish" in the RRS makes no mention of starting, and "finish" is the term used in the SIs Guide for scoring TLE and so wouldn't OCS boats would meet the definition of "finish" for TLE scoring?
Perhaps "start" should be added to the term "finish" in the RRS definitions?
The start requirement is now part of the Sail the Course definition which is invoked by RRS 28
Note: I would also add "... but not worse than last place among the race starters." That way, if only one boat out of all starters is TLE, they are still scored 1 point better than DNS, DSQ, etc.
'sailed the course" is sufficient.
"A boat scored TLE shall be scored points equal to F + X where...
An adjustment is needed for systems other than low point scoring.
'sailed the course" is sufficient.
I don't think so.
'... sailed the course within the Finishing Window', with the 2025 Definition Sail the Course would mean
'started, sails around the course, and finished'
So a boat would have to sail the whole race within the 20 minutes or whatever is allowed in the Finishing Window.
"A boat scored TLE shall be scored points for the finishing place [one][two] more than the points scored by the last boat that SAILED THE COURSE within the Finishing Window."
The suggested language in the 2021-24 SIs Guide (new one is not yet published) for scoring TLE is:
"A boat scored TLE shall be scored points for the finishing place [one][two] more than the points scored by the last boat that finished within the Finishing Window."
Since the 2025-28 definition of finish no longer includes the term start, the new definition would qualify OCS boats as finishers wrt the TLE wording.
Taking into account all the comments above, I believe the following wording for TLE scoring would work:
"A boat scored TLE shall be scored points for the finishing place [one][two] more than the points scored by the last boat that sailed the course and finished within the Finishing Window and is not otherwise penalized."
The fairness of using TLE is fodder for another forum.😊
"...points scored by the last boat that sailed the course and finished within the Finishing Window..."
"...points scored by the last boat that 1. started, 2. (string touched each mark), and 3. finished and finished within the Finishing Window..."
What is the purpose of the second "and finished?"