Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Combining RRS 17 and RRS 18.4 - What it might look like

Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Here's a go at it .. 

17.1 If a boat clear astern becomes overlapped within two of her hull lengths to leeward of a boat on the same tack, she shall not sail above her proper course while they remain on the same tack and overlapped within that distance, unless in doing so she promptly sails astern of the other boat.
17.2 When an inside overlapped right-of-way boat [is inside the zone of a mark that she] must gybe at a  mark to sail her proper course, until she gybes she shall sail not further from the mark than needed to sail that [her proper] course.  Rule 18.4 [17.2] does not apply at a gate mark.

Couple notes:
  1. I added the condition of being inside the zone of the mark
  2. Now that "Sail the Course" is a defined term, using the phrase "sail that course" in 18.4 is less obvious.  It only costs one more word, so I think swapping "that" with "her proper" makes it much clearer (I've been reading other comments on the forum and I'm not the only one who is swapping "the" for "that" in 18.4).
  3. Do we want to add a 2 or 3 boat length trigger (like RRS 17.1) for 18.4?  As it is written now, technically a boat could break 18.4 and be the only boat in the zone.

When put together like this, it seems to make sense to me.  Thoughts?
Created: Yesterday 11:01


Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
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  • Judge In Training
Quite interesting Ang.  A good start.

I need to read more closely over time, but just as an idea to solve 'that' issue.... have the words 'proper course' only once.  Perhaps you don't need the first instance...

Created: Yesterday 11:48
Phil Mostyn
  • National Judge
Hi Ange,

I'm happy with where rule 18.4 is - tucked away nicely in Section C - AT MARKS AND OBSTRUCTIONS - just where one would expect to find it.

Cheers, hope you're keeping well.
Created: Yesterday 13:26
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Phil, I didn't put it up top in the notes, but moving 18.4 to 17 like this does solve the "MR problem" (to the extent there is one) very cleanly (Ben's observation in the other thread). 

Now 18.1(b) and MR(c)'s "leave it astern" can't touch it. 

Regarding saying "proper course" 2x, it doesn't bother me as the 2 uses are different applications of the term "proper course". 

The first use is a conditional test (an if/when) and the 2nd is limitation bounding the course that can be sailed.

PS: Doing fine, thanks!  Heading down to the boatyard to do some fairing on my 105.  Fun fun. 
Created: Yesterday 13:53
Doc Sullivan
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
For team racing 18.4 is turned off but if you are the inside ROW (starboard jibe) at mark 3 with a 17 overlap you are required to jibe to mark 4 as soon as you can to fulfill your proper course limitation 
Created: Yesterday 14:34
John Eilers
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
Why not apply it at a gate mark?
Created: Yesterday 16:14
Rick Myers
  • National Umpire
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Judge
John.  Because you might be intending to sail to the other side of the gate. 

This seems like a solution looming for a problem to me.  
Created: Yesterday 19:52
Doc Sullivan
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Look on the bright side CT 4 more years before it happens 
Created: Yesterday 21:22
John Ball
Nationality: Canada
To me, R 17 may apply anywhere on the course, on any leg. It may be restricted by R 18 when it applies, but R 17's effect may apply before the zone, and resume to apply after passing the mark, including a gate mark.

So I do not see any benefit by trying to combine these two rules. And it moves a reference about mark obligations out of R 18.

Created: Today 00:14
Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
  • Club Judge
  • Judge In Training

I think the problem is 18.1(b) shutting down 18.4 prematurely.

(Perhaps that's the rule which needs modifying. instead Ang.)   Consider this..

18.1(b) Rule 18.2 and 18.3 no longer apply between boats when mark-room has been given.  


Yes, 18.4 is about marks, but it's connection to mark-room and premature expiry when it is still needed is problematic.  It is given way to much weight of importance in discussions, which is in some cases dangerous.

R17 is  generally about proper course and so is 18.4.  Also 18.4 is more similar to 17 than any other rule.  It's a limitation on RoW, rather than any giving of rights to room.  So perhaps Section B is appropriate,

So I can see the reason for Ang's muses.  I'm not sure if they'll get anywhere though.

Created: Today 00:29
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
Ben re: "R17 is  generally about proper course and so is 18.4.  Also 18.4 is more similar to 17 than any other rule."

I had actually never considered their similarities before. 

To John and Phil's points ... yea 18.4 had to do with a mark ... but our point is it has nothing to do with who is/is not entitled to Mark Room (which is the heart of 18). 

On the other hand, 17 and 18.4 both have nearly the  same limit on ROW's course ... which is to bound that course by the limits of "proper course" envelope.  Is there any other rule in the RRS that does so?

Given that similarity and the fact that 18.4 has nothing to do with who does or does not get mark-room .. it makes sense to me. 
Created: Today 03:34
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