Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Rules 45 & 31

Catalan Benaros
Hi friends !!
Blue has a lot of water in the hull, so we tie it to the CR´boat just for a while and after this, Blue starts.

What about rule 31 & 45 ?

Cheers !!!!
Created: 20-Jun-17 01:49


Matt Bounds
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • National Race Officer
Race Officer - Uniform is upside down.  (Sorry, it's a vexillology thing.)

Judge - The RC signal boat is a mark by definition.  The presence of the Uniform flag indicates that the rules are in effect (after the preparatory signal).  In order to make fast to the mark, Blue must touch it, breaking RRS 31.  Assuming that she bailed out or repairs were made while she was made fast, RRS 45 was not broken.  Blue may exonerate herself by taking a one-turn penalty.
Created: 20-Jun-17 02:15
Tim Hohmann
Nationality: United States
  • Umpire In Training
  • Regional Judge
I agree with Matt except that, unless protested, if Blue sails the course and finishes without taking a penalty turn she must still be scored in her finishing place.

Blue should take a one-turn penalty voluntarily, and if she doesn't immediately do so the RC should hail protest. 

Blue could also make fast to the committee boat's anchor line instead of the boat itself and break no rule. 

And [nitpick] a penalty turn is a penalty, not an exhoneration [/nitpick] 
Created: 20-Jun-17 02:41
Kim Kymlicka
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Not to be too picky about the definitions, but unless the race committee vessel is listed as an object from which the star/finish line extends, it is not. A staring or finishing line may not always extend/originate/terminate from the race committee vessel.
Created: 20-Jun-17 02:47
Philip Hubbell
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • Judge In Training
I hope we see more of this high quality diagramming in the future.
Created: 20-Jun-17 02:52
Kim Kymlicka
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Rule 45..... except to bail out, reef sails or make repairs.
I  think she is OK.
Created: 20-Jun-17 03:01
J. Conal (Con) Lancaster
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • Club Judge
I agree with Kim, as long as the bow line is "an object attached accidentally" to the RC boat.
Created: 20-Jun-17 04:36
Etienne Chabry
Nationality: France
  • Regional Judge
  • Umpire In Training
  • Club Race Officer
And what about rule 41?
Created: 20-Jun-17 05:08
J. Conal (Con) Lancaster
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • Club Judge
I would think that as long it was only Blue's crew that bailed or made repairs then no outside help was received. Now if pumps were provided ...... than different story. Although pumping to prevent sinking helps a crew member from danger of drowning or hypothermia or repercussions for forgetting to install the drain plug.
Created: 20-Jun-17 05:27
Catalan Benaros

This is much better now !!
Thanks Matt !!

Created: 20-Jun-17 08:31
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